Details Page


Registered Physiotherapist

Harneet graduated from the University of Toronto with a Master of Science in Physical Therapy. Prior to this, she completed an Honours Bachelor of Kinesiology at Wilfrid Laurier University.

Her passion for rehabilitation stems from her love for powerlifting and sports, a keen interest in maintaining a healthy lifestyle throughout her lifespan, and various experiences such as working as a Physiotherapy Assistant at Triangle Physiotherapy prior to receiving her admission into Physical Therapy school! Her main mission is to help her patients work on achieving their goals using a biopsychosocial lens to understand each individual’s unique needs while also giving back to the community as much as she possibly can. Harneet utilizes patient-centered care with a multi-dimensional treatment approach consisting of education, lifestyle modification, manual therapy, exercise prescription, and soft tissue work.

Outside of work, you can find Harneet at the gym lifting weights, cooking, or traveling! She is also fluent in both English and Punjabi.

Harneet practices out of the Square One clinic and can be reached at mississauga@trianglephysiotherapy.com.


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