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03 Jul

Back pain is a common complaint affecting people of all ages and lifestyles. It can range from a mild, nagging ache to severe pain that hinders daily activities. Understanding the causes and treatments for back pain is crucial for maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle. One of the most effective treatments for back pain is physiotherapy, which offers a holistic approach to pain management and recovery.

Causes of Back Pain

  1. Poor Posture: Sitting or standing improperly for prolonged periods can strain the back muscles and spine.
  2. Injury: Accidents, falls, or sports injuries can cause acute back pain.
  3. Muscle Strain: Overuse or sudden movements can lead to muscle or ligament strains.
  4. Herniated Disc: This occurs when the soft tissue inside a disc pushes out, irritating nearby nerves.
  5. Arthritis: Conditions like osteoarthritis can cause the space around the spinal cord to narrow, leading to back pain.
  6. Medical Conditions: Diseases such as scoliosis, osteoporosis, or kidney problems can also result in back pain.
Back Pain Physiotherapy Mississauga

Back pain can be attributed to various factors, including:

How Physiotherapy Helps

Physiotherapy is a non-invasive treatment that addresses the root causes of back pain through a variety of techniques. Here’s how physiotherapy can be beneficial:

  1. Pain Relief: Physiotherapists use manual therapy techniques, such as massage and mobilization, to alleviate pain and reduce muscle tension.
  2. Improving Mobility: Through targeted exercises, physiotherapy helps improve the range of motion and flexibility of the spine and surrounding muscles.
  3. Strengthening Muscles: A customized exercise regimen strengthens the core muscles that support the spine, reducing the risk of future injuries.
  4. Posture Correction: Physiotherapists assess and correct posture, teaching patients how to maintain proper alignment to prevent strain.
  5. Education and Advice: Patients learn about body mechanics and ergonomics, empowering them to make lifestyle changes that support back health.
  6. Prevention: Regular physiotherapy sessions can help identify potential issues early, preventing the progression of back pain.

Common Physiotherapy Techniques for Back Pain

  1. Manual Therapy: Includes hands-on techniques to manipulate joints and soft tissues, improving mobility and reducing pain.
  2. Exercise Therapy: Tailored exercises aimed at strengthening, stretching, and stabilizing the back muscles.
  3. Electrotherapy: Uses electrical currents to reduce pain and inflammation.
  4. Heat and Cold Therapy: Applying heat or cold packs to alleviate pain and reduce swelling.
  5. Education and Advice: Providing patients with knowledge on posture, ergonomics, and activity modification to prevent back pain recurrence.

The Road to Recovery

The journey to recovery with physiotherapy involves several steps:

  1. Assessment: A thorough evaluation of the patient’s medical history, pain intensity, and physical condition.
  2. Treatment Plan: Development of a personalized treatment plan based on the assessment.
  3. Regular Sessions: Consistent physiotherapy sessions to implement the treatment plan and monitor progress.
  4. Home Exercises: Patients are given exercises to perform at home to complement in-clinic treatments.
  5. Follow-Up: Regular follow-ups to adjust the treatment plan as needed and ensure long-term success.


Back pain can significantly impact the quality of life, but physiotherapy offers a comprehensive and effective solution. By addressing the underlying causes and promoting healthy practices, physiotherapy helps individuals recover from back pain and prevent its recurrence. If you’re struggling with back pain, consider consulting a physiotherapist to embark on a path toward relief and improved well-being.

Click here to book an appointment for back pain treatment with a physiotherapist at one of our eight locations.

07 Jun

Physiotherapy and chiropractic care are both forms of manual therapy that focus on the treatment of musculoskeletal issues, but they have different approaches, philosophies, and techniques. Here’s a comparison of the two:


Best Physiotherapist Etobicoke, Physiotherapy


  • Holistic and comprehensive treatment aimed at restoring movement and function.
  • Utilizes evidence-based practices.


  • Focuses on the body as a whole and treats a wide range of conditions, including musculoskeletal, neurological, and cardiovascular issues.
  • Emphasizes rehabilitation, prevention, and overall well-being.


  • Exercises and stretches to improve mobility and strength.
  • Manual therapy, including massage and mobilization of joints.
  • Electrotherapy, ultrasound, and other modalities for pain relief and inflammation reduction.
  • Education and advice on posture, ergonomics, and lifestyle changes.

Conditions Treated:

  • Musculoskeletal pain (e.g., back, neck, shoulder).
  • Post-operative rehabilitation.
  • Sports injuries.
  • Pelvic Health
  • Cancer Rehab
  • Vestibular Conditions
  • Neurological disorders (e.g., stroke, Parkinson’s disease).
  • Chronic conditions (e.g., arthritis).


  • Requires a degree in physiotherapy and registration with provincial regulatory body.
  • Involves extensive training in anatomy, physiology, and pathology.


Chiropractic Downtown Toronto


  • Primarily focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of mechanical disorders of the spine.
  • Utilizes spinal adjustments and manipulations.


  • Based on the principle that spinal health affects overall health and well-being.
  • Emphasizes the relationship between the spine and nervous system.


  • Spinal manipulations and adjustments to restore joint function and support the nervous system.
  • Manual adjustments often performed with a high-velocity thrust.
  • May include advice on exercise, diet, and lifestyle.

Conditions Treated:

  • Back and neck pain.
  • Headaches and migraines.
  • Joint pain (e.g., hips, knees).
  • Sciatica and other nerve-related issues.


  • Requires a Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) degree and registration with provincial regulatory body.
  • Involves training in anatomy, physiology, and specialized chiropractic techniques.

Key Differences between Physiotherapy and Chiropractic

  1. Scope of Practice:
    • Physiotherapists: Treat a broader range of conditions affecting various body systems.
    • Chiropractors: Primarily focus on spinal health and its impact on overall health but can also treat other musculoskeletal conditions.
  2. Techniques Used:
    • Physiotherapists: Employ a wide variety of techniques including exercise, manual therapy, and electrotherapy.
    • Chiropractors: Primarily use spinal adjustments and manipulations but are also trained in treating other joints.
  3. Philosophical Focus:
    • Physiotherapists: Emphasize holistic rehabilitation and prevention.
    • Chiropractors: Emphasize the importance of spinal alignment for overall health.
  4. Educational Path:
    • Physiotherapists: Typically require a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in physiotherapy.
    • Chiropractors: Require a Doctor of Chiropractic degree.

When to Choose Each

  • Physiotherapy: Suitable for a wide range of conditions, particularly when rehabilitation, exercise, and a holistic approach are needed.
  • Chiropractic Care: Beneficial for conditions specifically related to spinal health and when spinal adjustments are indicated.

Ultimately, the choice between physiotherapy and chiropractic care may depend on the specific condition being treated, the patient’s preferences, and the recommendations of healthcare professionals. In some cases, a combination of both therapies might be the most effective approach.

Click here to book an appointment with a physiotherapist or chiropractor at one of our eight locations.

08 Apr

What is the difference between a physiotherapist, massage therapist, and chiropractor?

Which practitioner is the best to see?

This is one of the most common questions that we get asked! Let’s dive in and learn more about how each of these practitioners can make a difference to your health.

What are the similarities between physiotherapists, massage therapists, and chiropractors?

  • They treat musculoskeletal conditions – soft tissue (muscles, ligaments, tendons), bones, or the nervous system.
  • All three are regulated professions – you cannot call yourself an RMT, chiropractor, or physiotherapist unless you are registered with their regulatory College.
  • They all have specialized training – Physiotherapists at a recognized university, Chiropractors at a recognized Chiropractic College, and RMTs at a recognized Massage therapy course.
  • All three have to pass exams administered by their regulatory board.
Physiotherapy Mississauga

What does a Chiropractor do?

Chiropractic is a licensed healthcare profession that emphasizes the body’s ability to heal itself. Treatment typically involves manual therapy, often including spinal manipulation which helps restore joint function.

What does an RMT do?

An RMT, or Registered Massage Therapist, is a licensed healthcare professional who specializes in providing therapeutic massage treatments. They are trained to assess and treat various musculoskeletal conditions and injuries using hands-on techniques to manipulate muscles, tendons, ligaments, and other soft tissues of the body.

What does a physiotherapist do?

You should consider seeing a physiotherapist when you’re experiencing pain or discomfort, or have mobility issues that affect your daily activities and quality of life. Physiotherapists are healthcare professionals trained to diagnose and treat a wide range of musculoskeletal and movement-related conditions. They can also help with vestibular rehabilitation and pelvic health issues.

Physiotherapists can look at alignment but they also test joint mobility, muscle strength, muscle flexibility, nerve function, posture, and movement patterns. They restore movement and improve pain predominantly through exercise rehabilitation, postural re-training, and lifestyle advice, but also use hands-on techniques.

Can I see all three of these practitioners?

Absolutely! All three practitioners work collaboratively to get you the best possible outcomes and help you reach your health goals.

How do I book an appointment at a Triangle Physiotherapy Clinic near me?

Click HERE to book an appointment with a physiotherapist, RMT or chiropractor at one of our eight locations.

11 Dec

Back Pain is a common condition that affects a lot of people worldwide. The causes of back pain can vary from physical injuries to sports injuries and pregnancy.

Back Pain Treatment Oakville

What are the causes of back pain?

Back pain can be caused due to various reasons like poor posture, overuse, or injury but many more causes can lead to back pain like inflammation and degenerative disc disease.

What are the common conditions of the back that the physiotherapists in Oakville can treat?

Some of the conditions most frequently treated by physiotherapists at our Physiotherapy Clinic in Oakville are:

  • Sciatica
  • Postural issues
  • Degenerative Disc Disease
  • Mechanical Back Pain
  • Pregnancy-related back pain
  • Disc Herniation

What type of treatments can help back pain?

At Triangle Physiotherapy Oakville, our physiotherapists use manual therapy, exercises, and pain management strategies to help with back pain. It is important to keep moving and staying active to avoid the recurrence of episodes.

Where can I find a physiotherapist in Oakville?

We have 8 locations with physiotherapists to help you.

Our Oakville Physiotherapy Clinic is located only 2 lights West of Highway 403 on Dundas and 2 lights East of Trafalgar Road on Dundas.

04 Dec

If you are considering chiropractic care in Oakville and have looked through Google to find a doctor to help you you have likely found countless options.  This is when it becomes challenging to pick the chiropractor that is best for YOU.  The next question you have probably asked yourself is what makes one Oakville Chiropractor different from the next, or “How do I find the best chiropractor for me?”

While this can feel like a daunting task, there are a few things that can set one chiropractor apart from another.  These tips will go a long way in helping you find the best chiropractor for you in Oakville, and as a result, lead to better results for your health. 

Chiropractor Oakville

Tips for finding the best chiropractor in Oakville:

1.    Start by asking trusted friends and relatives. Ask these people about their experiences with different chiropractors and who they would recommend to you. Referrals speak a lot about the practices of different chiropractic clinics.

2. Look up the online reviews for the clinics recommended to you or the ones you have looked up online during your search. Look for reviews on the chiropractor as well as the general customer service of the clinics.

3.    Once you have narrowed your search, give the chosen clinic a call and ask for the chiropractor’s hours and availability to book an assessment and future follow-ups. This ensures that the timings match your availability.

4.    When looking for a chiropractor many people don’t realize that there are several different techniques that they can use.  The chiropractors at Triangle Physiotherapy are rehab-focused and their treatment style involves manual therapy, exercise prescription, and education.

When should I look into chiropractic care?

There are several reasons to seek chiropractic care. Back pain, neck pain, and headache are the most common reasons why patients first consult a chiropractor. Aside from these reasons, work, car accidents, sports injuries, household chores, and even the stress of daily living can cause painful joint and spinal problems. Remember, even if you do not have painful symptoms, chiropractic care can help you maintain a healthy spine and optimal joint function. Our chiropractors in Etobicoke, chiropractors in Mississauga, chiropractors in Oakville, and chiropractors in Toronto are skilled healthcare practitioners who can relieve your symptoms and get you back to doing what you love, pain-free.

What is a treatment session with a chiropractor like?

An initial visit with your Chiropractor usually involves a thorough history taking and assessment of your condition, in addition to an initial treatment to help set you on your road to recovery. Follow-up appointments will usually involve substantial manual treatment of your muscles and joints, as well as some therapeutic machines (e.g. Shockwave Therapy), acupuncture, and a home exercise program as needed. The Chiropractor may also recommend that you see a massage therapist to complement your treatment plan.

We hope this article has been helpful to you.  While one chiropractor may be the best for one particular person you may find that another is the best for you.  Doing your research can go a long way in the decision-making process.

If you have any further questions please feel free to contact our Oakville team today at Triangle Physiotherapy.

How do I book an appointment with a chiropractor near me?

Click HERE to book an appointment with a chiropractor at one of our eight locations.

28 Nov

Chiropractic care focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system, particularly the spine. Chiropractors use manual manipulation and other techniques to treat conditions such as back pain, neck pain, headaches, and other musculoskeletal issues. While chiropractic care may benefit some individuals, it’s essential to note that its effectiveness can vary from person to person, and it may not be suitable for everyone.

Chiropractor Mississauga

Here are some groups of people who may potentially benefit from chiropractic care:

  1. Individuals with Back Pain: Chiropractic care is often sought by people experiencing acute or chronic back pain. Spinal adjustments performed by chiropractors may help alleviate pain and improve mobility.
  2. Neck Pain Sufferers: Chiropractic adjustments may also be used to address neck pain, especially if it is related to issues with the cervical spine.
  3. Headache and Migraine Sufferers: Some people find relief from headaches and migraines through chiropractic care, particularly if the issues are related to tension or misalignments in the spine.
  4. Joint Pain and Mobility Issues: Chiropractors may work on various joints in the body, not just the spine. People with joint pain or mobility issues in the shoulders, hips, knees, or other joints may seek chiropractic care.
  5. Sports Injuries: Athletes often turn to chiropractors for the treatment of sports-related injuries. Chiropractic care may help with the recovery process and improve overall athletic performance.
  6. Pregnant Women: Some pregnant women seek chiropractic care to help manage musculoskeletal changes that occur during pregnancy. Chiropractors may use gentle techniques to address discomfort and pain.
  7. Postural Issues: Individuals with poor posture or those whose daily activities contribute to spinal misalignments may benefit from chiropractic adjustments to improve posture and prevent associated issues.
  8. Chronic Conditions: While chiropractic care is not a cure for chronic conditions, some individuals with conditions like osteoarthritis or fibromyalgia may find relief from certain symptoms through chiropractic treatments.

What is the treatment approach of the chiropractors at Triangle Physiotherapy?

The chiropractors at Triangle Physiotherapy have a rehab-focused approach to treatment. They believe in evidence-based treatment solutions are are able to carry forward the treatment plan proposed by your physiotherapist.

How do I book an appointment with a chiropractor near me?

Click HERE to book an appointment with a chiropractor at one of our eight locations.

13 Nov

Back pain is one of the most common ailments we see in our practice.

Physiotherapy Mississauga

Here are some self-care measures you can consider to manage or prevent recurrence:

  1. Rest: Give your back a break by avoiding activities that may exacerbate the pain. However, avoid prolonged bed rest, as it can lead to stiffness and muscle weakness. Gentle movement and stretching are usually better than complete immobility.
  2. Ice and Heat: Apply ice packs to the affected area for the first 48 hours to reduce inflammation, then switch to heat therapy (e.g., heating pads) to relax tight muscles. Use each for 15-20 minutes at a time.
  3. Over-the-Counter Pain Relief: Non-prescription pain relievers such as ibuprofen (Advil) or acetaminophen (Tylenol) can help alleviate pain and reduce inflammation. Follow the recommended dosage and consult a healthcare professional if you have concerns.
  4. Exercise: Gentle, low-impact exercises can help strengthen your back and improve flexibility. Activities like swimming, walking, or yoga can be beneficial. Consult a physical therapist for guidance on appropriate exercises.
  5. Posture: Maintain good posture when sitting and standing to reduce strain on your back. Use ergonomic chairs and accessories if needed, and avoid prolonged periods of sitting.
  6. Proper Lifting Technique: When lifting heavy objects, bend at your knees and hips instead of your waist, and use your legs to lift while keeping the object close to your body.
  7. Core Strengthening: Strengthening your core muscles (abdominals, obliques, and lower back) can provide better support for your spine. Pilates and specific core exercises can help with this.
  8. Sleep: Ensure you have a comfortable mattress and pillow that support your spine. Sleeping on your side with a pillow between your knees can help maintain proper alignment.
  9. Stress Reduction: Stress can contribute to muscle tension and pain. Techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, and relaxation techniques may help manage stress.
  10. Weight Management: Maintaining a healthy weight can reduce the strain on your back and decrease the risk of back pain.
  11. Physiotherapy: A physical therapist can provide personalized exercises and techniques to address your specific back pain issues.
  12. Chiropractic Care or Massage Therapy: Some people find relief through chiropractic adjustments or therapeutic massages. Consult with professionals in these fields to see if it’s appropriate for your condition.
  13. Avoid Smoking: Smoking can impair blood flow to the spine and hinder the healing process.

If your back pain persists, worsens, or is accompanied by other concerning symptoms (such as numbness, tingling, weakness, or loss of bladder or bowel control), seek immediate medical attention. Always consult a healthcare provider before starting any new exercise or treatment regimen, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking medications. They can provide a more accurate diagnosis and recommend the best treatment options for your specific situation.

How do I book an appointment with a physiotherapist or chiropractor near me?

Click HERE to book an appointment with a physiotherapist or chiropractor at one of our eight locations.

25 Oct

Shoulder pain can vary in its cause and severity, and whether it goes away on its own depends on several factors. Here are some considerations:

  1. Cause of Shoulder Pain
  2. Acute vs. Chronic Pain
  3. Severity of Pain
  4. Age and Health Status
  5. Activity Level
  6. Professional Evaluation
  7. Treatment Options
Physiotherapy Oakville

What are some Common Shoulder Problems and how to treat them?

Shoulder problems can encompass a range of conditions and injuries. Here are some common shoulder problems and some general guidelines on how they are typically treated:

  1. Rotator Cuff Tears:
    • Treatment can range from rest and physiotherapy for partial tears to surgical repair for complete tears.
  2. Tendinitis (Rotator Cuff Tendinitis):
    • Rest, ice, anti-inflammatory medications, and physiotherapy are common initial treatments. Severe cases may require corticosteroid injections.
  3. Bursitis (Shoulder Bursitis):
    • Similar to tendinitis, treatment includes rest, ice, anti-inflammatory drugs, and physiotherapy. In some cases, corticosteroid injections may be used.
  4. Frozen Shoulder (Adhesive Capsulitis):
    • Physiotherapy and stretching exercises are often recommended. Severe cases may require manipulation under anesthesia or surgery.
  5. Shoulder Impingement:
    • Rest, ice, physiotherapy, and modifications to activity are typical treatments. Injections or surgery may be necessary in severe cases.
  6. Labral Tears (SLAP Tears):
    • Non-surgical options include rest and physiotherapy. Severe cases may require arthroscopic surgery to repair the labrum.
  7. Shoulder Instability (Shoulder Dislocation):
    • Initial treatment includes immobilization and physiotherapy. Surgical options may be considered for recurrent dislocations.
  8. Arthritis (Osteoarthritis or Rheumatoid Arthritis):
    • Management includes pain relief with medications, physiotherapy, and lifestyle modifications. In severe cases, joint replacement surgery may be recommended.
  9. Fractures (Clavicle, Humerus, or Scapula):
    • Treatment depends on the type and severity of the fracture. Options include immobilization with a cast or sling, surgery, and physiotherapy.
  10. AC Joint Separation:
    • Mild cases may require rest and physiotherapy, while severe cases may require surgery.
  11. Nerve Compression (Thoracic Outlet Syndrome):
    • Treatment may involve physiotherapy, posture correction, and occasionally surgery to relieve compression on nerves and blood vessels.

How do I book an appointment at a Physiotherapy Clinic near me?

Click HERE to book an appointment with a physiotherapist or chiropractor at one of our eight locations.

04 Oct

Getting the most out of your physiotherapy appointment involves effective communication, preparation, and active participation.

Here are some tips to help you make the most of your physiotherapy session:

  1. Be Prepared:
    • Write down your symptoms, concerns, and questions beforehand.
    • Note any changes in your condition since your last appointment.
    • Bring relevant medical reports, imaging results, or a list of medications you’re taking.
  2. Arrive Early:
    • Arriving a few minutes early will give you time to complete any necessary paperwork and relax before your session.
  3. Effective Communication:
    • Clearly describe your symptoms, their onset, severity, and any factors that worsen or alleviate them.
    • Be honest about your lifestyle, activities, and habits that could impact your condition.
    • Ask questions if you don’t understand something. Your physiotherapist is there to help you.
  4. Set Clear Goals:
    • Discuss your goals with your physiotherapist. What do you want to achieve through physiotherapy? This could be pain relief, improved mobility, or functional goals.
  5. Follow Instructions:
    • Listen carefully to the advice and instructions provided by your physiotherapist.
    • Follow the recommended exercises, stretches, or home-care routines diligently.
  6. Ask Questions:
    • Don’t hesitate to ask questions about your condition, treatment plan, exercises, or any concerns you might have.
  7. Understand Your Treatment Plan:
    • Make sure you understand your treatment plan, including the goals, expected outcomes, and duration of treatment.
  8. Take Notes:
    • Jot down key points, exercises, or recommendations during the session so you can refer back to them later.
  9. Feedback:
    • Provide feedback to your physiotherapist about your progress and any changes you’ve noticed.
  10. Be Patient:
    • Understand that progress may take time. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see immediate results.
  11. Follow Up:
    • Schedule follow-up appointments as recommended by your physiotherapist to monitor your progress and make adjustments to your treatment plan.
  12. Hygiene and Attire:
    • Wear comfortable clothing that allows easy access to the area being treated.
    • Maintain good hygiene, especially if your session involves physical contact.
  13. Engage Actively:
    • Participate actively during the session. Follow your physiotherapist’s instructions and give your best effort during exercises.

Remember, your physiotherapist is there to help you achieve your goals and improve your health and well-being. By being proactive, engaged, and open in your communication, you can maximize the benefits of your physiotherapy appointments.

How do I book an appointment at a Physiotherapy Clinic near me?

Click HERE to book an appointment with a physiotherapist or chiropractor at one of our eight locations.

26 Jul

A physiotherapist and chiropractor specialize in diagnosing, treating, and preventing various physical conditions and injuries. Both of these health professionals have extensive training in helping patients with various injuries and chronic health conditions.

Chiropractic Treatment

How are physiotherapy and chiropractic treatments similar?

1. Focus on Musculoskeletal System: Both physiotherapy and chiropractic treatment focus on the musculoskeletal system, which includes the bones, muscles, joints, and nerves. They seek to address issues related to these structures to alleviate pain and improve mobility.

2. Non-Invasive Approaches: Both physiotherapy and chiropractic treatment generally use non-invasive techniques to manage musculoskeletal conditions. They emphasize hands-on therapies and exercises rather than relying on medication or surgery.

3. Patient-Centered Care: Both approaches prioritize patient-centered care, tailoring treatment plans to individual needs and conditions. They consider the patient’s specific symptoms, medical history, lifestyle, and goals to design effective and personalized treatment strategies.

4. Pain Relief: Both physiotherapists and chiropractors work to alleviate pain caused by musculoskeletal issues. They use manual therapies and exercises to reduce discomfort and promote healing.

5. Holistic Approach: Both physiotherapy and chiropractic treatment take a holistic approach to healthcare. They consider not only the physical symptoms but also the patient’s overall well-being and lifestyle factors that may contribute to their condition.

6. Rehabilitation and Injury Prevention: Both physiotherapists and chiropractors play a role in injury rehabilitation. They assist patients in recovering from injuries, surgeries, or accidents, and they provide guidance on preventing future injuries through proper techniques and exercises.

7. Emphasis on Patient Education: Physiotherapists and chiropractors both emphasize patient education. They educate patients about their conditions, treatment options, and ways to maintain or improve their health through exercise, posture, and lifestyle adjustments.

8. Complementary Approaches: In some cases, physiotherapists and chiropractors work together or in conjunction with other healthcare professionals to provide comprehensive care for patients. Their complementary approaches can enhance treatment outcomes for certain conditions.

9. Evidence-Based Practice: Both physiotherapy and chiropractic treatment rely on evidence-based practices. They incorporate the latest research and clinical evidence to inform their treatment decisions, ensuring that patients receive the most effective and safe care.

10. Wellness Promotion: Beyond treating specific conditions, both physiotherapists and chiropractors promote overall wellness and health. They focus on enhancing physical function and quality of life, helping patients lead active and fulfilling lives.

Physiotherapy Mississauga

What is chiropractic?

Chiropractic is a licensed healthcare profession that emphasizes the body’s ability to heal itself. Treatment typically involves manual therapy, often including spinal manipulation which helps restore joint function.

What are the benefits of seeing a chiropractor?

Chiropractors do more than just help with back or spine issues. There are a variety of benefits of going to a chiropractor. Chiropractic care also helps improve your mental health, flexibility, muscle strength, and range of motion.

What can I expect from my chiropractic appointment?

When attending Triangle Physiotherapy for the first time, you will be asked to fill in a new patient information form prior to your initial visit. We highly recommend filling out your forms at home through our user-friendly patient portal, the link for which will be sent to you as soon as you book your session.

We will endeavor to make your first visit to our clinic a comfortable and rewarding experience.

At your initial consultation, your chiropractors will:

  • Conduct a thorough examination including history taking and a physical assessment
  • Give you a working diagnosis of your condition
  • Education
  • Treatment Plan

I am in search of a physiotherapy clinic near me that offers chiropractic services and would like to start treatment at your physiotherapy center right away. Would I be needing a doctor’s referral to see a chiropractor at clinics?

You can certainly start treatment at any of our physiotherapy clinics right away and we would not be needing a doctor’s referral unless your insurance requires one. If you do need a doctor’s referral and don’t have immediate access to a doctor, we would be happy to refer you to an online doctor service that helps many of our patients.

I would like to see a chiropractor near me to help me with my neck pain. I have heard that you offer the best chiropractic service near me.  How do I book an appointment at a Triangle Physiotherapy Clinic near me?

Click HERE to book an appointment with a chiropractor at one of our eight locations.