Pelvic Floor Conditions // Category

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13 Feb

Written by Roshni Ravi, Pelvic Health Physiotherapist

Constipation is a common gastrointestinal (GI) condition that causes difficulty with passing stool or reduces the frequency of having a bowel movement. It can be caused by 

– dehydration

– diet e.g. not enough fibre

– sedentary lifestyle

– Ignoring the urge for a bowel movement due to pain.

– Pelvic organ prolapse (POP)

– Medications such as anti-inflammatories, iron supplements or anti depressants.

Medically, constipation is defined as having fewer than 3 bowel movements a week with hard stools. 

Pelvic muscle dyssynergia (incoordination) can lead to constipation. During a typical bowel movement, the pelvic floor needs to relax in order to evacuate stool. When there is tightness in the pelvic floor muscles, it can be painful or uncomfortable to pass stool.

Treatment for constipation can include a number of lifestyle modifications such as increased fibre and water intake, and regular exercise. However, consulting with a pelvic physiotherapist can improve outcomes, by creating an exercise program specific to your pelvic floor dysfunction. The need for lengthening versus strengthening of the pelvic floor is determined through internal vaginal or rectal examination. Another option is seeing a naturopath for ways to adjust your diet accordingly. Quite often, both treatments go hand in hand. 

Experiencing constipation or constipation like symptoms? Book a consultation with one of our pelvic physiotherapists today!

09 Feb

The labour and delivery process can greatly benefit from Pelvic Physiotherapy. Pelvic Physiotherapists can help to improve strength and mobility of the muscles and joints in the pelvic area and help make it easier for the baby to descend through the birth canal during delivery. 

FAQs about the Labour and Delivery Process

What are the different stages of Labour and Delivery?

The three stages of labour and delivery are:

  • Early Labour: This is from the onset of labor to when the cervix is fully dilated to 3-4 centimeters.
  • Active Labour: This is when the cervix is fully dilated to 3-4 centimeters to when it is fully dilated to 10 centimeters.
  • Transition: This is when the cervix is fully dilated to 10 centimeters to the delivery of the baby.

How long does labour usually last?

The duration of labour varies from person to person and can range from a few hours to over 24 hours for first-time mothers.

What are the common signs of labour?

The common signs of labour include:

  • Regular contractions
  • Water breaking
  • Back pain
  • Pelvic pressure
  • Blood-tinged mucus discharge

What is an epidural and how does it work?

An epidural is a type of anesthesia that is used to relieve pain during labor and delivery. It is administered through a small catheter placed in the lower back and works by blocking the sensation of pain in the lower body while allowing the woman to remain conscious.

What is the process of a vaginal delivery like?

A vaginal delivery is the delivery of a baby through the birth canal without the use of surgical intervention. During a vaginal delivery, the baby moves through the birth canal and the mother pushes with contractions to help deliver the baby.

What is a cesarean delivery (C-section)?

Doctors perform a cesarean delivery (C-section) by making an incision in the mother’s abdomen and uterus to deliver the baby. They typically opt for a C-section when a vaginal delivery is not possible or when there is a medical concern for the mother or the baby.

What are some of the risks associated with labour and delivery?

Some of the risks associated with labor and delivery include:

  1. Preterm labour and delivery
  2. Hemorrhage
  3. Infection
  4. Fetal distress
  5. Shoulder dystocia (difficulty delivering the baby’s shoulders)

What can I do to prepare for labour and delivery?

You can prepare for labour and delivery by:

  • Take childbirth education classes
  • See a pelvic health physiotherapist
  • Create a birth plan
  • Find a supportive birth team like doulas or midwives
  • Pack a hospital bag
  • Discuss pain management options with your healthcare provider.
Labour and Delivery Prep Mississauga

The role of Pelvic Health Physiotherapists in preparing you for Labour and Delivery

Mississauga Pelvic Health

Pelvic physiotherapy can help to alleviate common pregnancy-related symptoms such as back pain, incontinence, and pelvic pain. A combination of manual therapy techniques with soft tissue and joint mobilization along with mobility work can be used to alleviate pain in the pelvic area, additionally, the physiotherapist can also work on alignment and posture to help prevent injury and reduce discomfort. 

Leading up to labour, a pelvic physiotherapist can provide you with a variety of tools to help with pain relief and positioning to improve your experience during labour. One of the common techniques taught to birthing parents at 32 weeks, is the perineal massage to reduce the chance of tearing during delivery. In addition, you would also be taught positions to help reduce discomfort during contractions as well as pushing techniques.

After delivery, a physiotherapist can help restore strength and mobility along with providing education on suitable abdominal and pelvic floor exercises based on weaknesses and tone, moreover, any side effects from delivery such as perineal tearing can also be treated post-partum. 

Have questions? Discuss your options with a pelvic health physiotherapist for pregnancy and post-partum care!

How do I find a pelvic health physiotherapist near me?

We have 8 locations with pelvic health physiotherapists to help you.

31 Jan

By Roshni Ravi, Pelvic Health Physiotherapist

Endometriosis is a condition in which the tissue that lines the uterus grows outside of it, on other organs or structures in the pelvic cavity. This tissue, called endometrium, acts just like the lining of the uterus and thickens, breaks down, and bleeds with each menstrual cycle. However, because this tissue is located outside of the uterus, it has no way to exit the body, which can lead to pain, heavy bleeding, and the formation of scar tissue and adhesions. Endometriosis can also affect fertility.

What is Endometriosis?

The cause of endometriosis is not well understood. It is usually treated with hormones, pain medication, and surgery. The average delay from symptom onset to diagnosis is 5.4 years in Canada, because of the uncertain etiology. Patients wait for an average of 3.1 years from the onset of symptoms to seeking consultation with their physician.

Some causes for endometriosis may possibly  include: 

  1. Retrograde menstruation: some of the endometrial tissue flows backwards through the Fallopian tubes and into the pelvic cavity, and attaches to other organs and structures. 
  2. Embryonic cell growth: develops from cells in the embryonic stage that grow into endometrial tissue instead of into other tissue types
  3. Immune system dysfunction: some women may have a dysfunction in their immune system that allows endometrial tissue to grow outside the uterus
  4. Hormonal factors: hormonal imbalances contribute to the development of endometriosis 
  5. Genetic factors

So what can I do about it?

Medical treatment includes surgery, hormonal therapy and medicated pain management. Other alternatives are acupuncture, herbal supplements and pelvic floor physiotherapy

Pelvic floor physiotherapy can be beneficial for endometriosis. It can help alleviate pain, improve mobility and flexibility as well as reduce the formation of adhesions and scar tissue. Treatment targets the muscles and soft tissue in the pelvic area through techniques such as manual therapy, trigger point release and myofascial release to relax the muscles and thereby alleviate pain. There are a variety of pelvic floor exercises that can also contribute towards alleviating pain and improving symptoms. 

Unsure of what to do next but experiencing these symptoms? Consult a pelvic health physiotherapist to see if pelvic floor physiotherapy is right for you. Our Mississauga Pelvic Health Physiotherapists are experienced and qualified to help you through this diagnosis. Book an appointment here.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and should not be used for self-diagnosis.

02 Mar

A Diastasis Recti Abdominus is a separation in the 6-pack muscle, the rectus abdominis.

How does it occur?
It most often occurs during pregnancy. Sometimes it will spontaneously correct following birth, but it does not always.
It can also occur with overstretch of abdominal musculature.

Why is it a problem?
There is no pain with this condition.
However, the abdominal wall and the core will become weak. Your abdominals work with your pelvic floor, so a separation of your rectus abdominis muscles can make your pelvic floor less efficient and may result in prolapse and incontinence.Your abdominals also work with your lower back musculature, therefore it can lead to lower back pain.

How do I know if I have a Rectus Diastasis?
If you lift your head while lying on your back and the center of your belly protrudes out, you may have a rectus diastasis. It is measured by the number of fingers you can fit between the muscle when lying on your back and lifting your head. Normal is 1/2 a finger above and below the belly button, and one finger at the belly button.

How do I treat it?
If the abdominal separation is greater than 4 fingers, an abdominal binder is recommended. If you use an abdominal binder, it should be from your hip bones to your rib cage, you need to keep the binder on 24/7. You can only take the binder off when you do your correction exercise below, or when you take a shower. You should keep it on at bedtime.

To get your pelvic health assessed, schedule a consultation with a pelvic floor physiotherapist at Triangle Physiotherapy!

Written by: Kamand Zendeganidoost, Registered Physiotherapist