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21 Jun

Importance of Physiotherapy Exercises

Physiotherapy exercises have a major role to play in the recovery plan for any injury or accident. It is directed towards specific objectives like restoring muscular and skeletal function, increase circulation, reduce muscle spasms and improve overall strength and well-being. Gone are the days when a patient was told to just rest for two or three weeks, sometimes even long after an injury. Advanced physiotherapy exercises are now a part of the treatment plan and have in fact become an important modality in managing musculoskeletal conditions. These days, Physiotherapy exercises constitute a huge part of the recovery plan post any injury or trauma. You can consult our specialized Physiotherapy services in GTA.

Reasons to include exercises in your recovery

There are various reasons why you should include Physiotherapy exercises in your recovery plan. Here are the reasons you should have to keep moving for better recovery and overall strength –

  • Reduces or eliminates pain – Physiotherapy exercises like joint or soft tissue mobilization helps in reducing pain and restoring joint and muscle function. It also helps in preventing the pain from returning.
  • Avoids surgery – There are instances when physiotherapy exercises can eliminate the pain and heal the injury, thereby avoiding the surgery and its associated risks.
  • Improves mobility – Irrespective of age or gender, mobility issues like standing, walking, or moving can hit anyone. Strengthening and stretching exercises in Physiotherapy helps in restoring the ability to move.
  • Recovery from a sports injury – A good physiotherapist understands how different sports can increase the chances of sports injury and therefore, they can lay out an appropriate recovery plan based on your injury and medical condition.
  • Improves balance and prevents fall – Physiotherapy assesses your vulnerability to falls and associated risks. Your physiotherapist will provide appropriate physiotherapy exercises to improve balance and coordination for safe walking.
  • Manages diabetes and vascular conditions – Physiotherapy exercises can be a part of the overall diabetes management program. People suffering from diabetes face troubling sensation in feet and legs. They can be benefitted from physiotherapy exercises in ensuring proper foot care.
  • Manages age-related issues – As a person ages, he/she may develop complications like arthritis, osteoporosis or joint replacement. Physiotherapy exercises can help patients recover from such age-related disorders.
  • Recovery from a stroke – Many people experience losing some degree of function and movement after stroke. Physiotherapy exercises help in strengthening the weakened body parts and improve strength and balance. Your physiotherapist will also work in improving your ability to move around so that you can be more independent at home and take care of yourself without being dependent on anyone.
  • Manages heart and lung diseases – After a heart attack, though the patient may complete cardiac rehabilitation, he/she may need physiotherapy if the daily functioning is affected. Physiotherapy exercises also help in improving lung capacity through breathing exercises, conditioning, strengthening, and clearing the fluids in the lungs.
  • Improves women’s health and other conditions – Women face specific health conditions like pregnancy and post-partum care. Physiotherapy exercises for women help in managing specialized issues related to women’s health. Physiotherapy also provides specific treatment for medical conditions like breast cancer, bowel incontinence, constipation, lymphedema, fibromyalgia, etc.

Physiotherapy Oakville offers a host of services to help you recover from injury or medical conditions. You can visit our clinics in the GTA for your specific requirements or consult our physiotherapists online through a secure video conference platform from the comfort of your home or office.

Based on your condition, our physiotherapist will develop a detailed and personalized program targeted to your needs. This program will include various physiotherapy exercises aimed at addressing the difficulties you experience. Joining Physiotherapy Oakville ensures you receive tailored care that fits seamlessly into your lifestyle, promoting effective recovery and overall well-being. Connect with us today to start your personalized physiotherapy journey.

Physiotherapy exercises have two main objectives

  • Lubricate joint surfaces
  • Maintain and increase range of motion

There are various types of physiotherapy exercises that help in achieving both of these objectives.

Musculoskeletal physiotherapy

  • Also known as orthopedic physiotherapy, this treatment falls under the category that aims to restore the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, including muscles, joints, ligaments, tendons, and bones. Musculoskeletal physiotherapy focuses on –
  • Reducing pain
  • Correcting skeletal alignment
  • Treating damage in soft tissues
  • Improving mobilization

Geriatric physiotherapy

Focusing on older adults, this branch of physiotherapy exercise caters to specific needs that occur during old age. As people grow older, they experience disorders like arthritis, cancer, joint replacement, Alzheimer’s, osteoporosis, and balance disorders. The main goals of geriatric physiotherapy are –

  • Reducing pain
  • Restoring mobility impacted by old age
  • Improving overall wellbeing and physical fitness
  • Helping inactive aging

Sports physiotherapy

  • This niche branch of physiotherapy exercise includes management of athletic and sports injuries through –
  • Initial diagnosis and assessment of sports injury
  • Treatment of the injury through personalized advice and techniques to promote healing
  • Ensuring a quick return to the sport through rehabilitation and progressive injury management
  • Advice on preventive practices like movement assessment to identify and address the known precursors to the injury
  • Sharing specialized knowledge to sportsperson or athletes like taping technique to aid in the prevention of injury in future

Women’s Health

  • Physiotherapy for women is a very specific area and requires particular physiotherapy exercises to address health issues faced by women. These include childbirth, prenatal, postnatal care, fertility issues, etc. Physiotherapy exercises for women focus on –
  • Strengthening the core
  • Reducing lower back, hip, and pelvic pain experienced during and after pregnancy
  • Controlling urinary incontinence
  • Activating pelvic floor
  • Decreasing lymphatic swelling
  • Prenatal and postnatal care

Rehabilitation and pain management

This can be divided into two categories –

  • If you are experiencing chronic pain and are planning to go for surgery then this physiotherapy exercise would help you in relieving pain.
  • Treatment before the surgery helps in strengthening the body and preparing it for post-operative rehabilitation.

Neurological physiotherapy

This range of physiotherapy exercises focuses on disorders affecting the nervous system like head injuries, stroke, damage in the spinal cord, sciatica, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, and issues related to vertigo. Here the treatment focuses on –

  • Correcting neural pathways
  • Motor control
  • Balance and coordination

Your physiotherapist will suggest the exercises depending upon the stage of your recovery. Range of Movement (ROM) exercises are commonly suggested forms of exercise in physiotherapy. These exercises are advised for a specific joint where there is a reduced amount of movement. There are three types of Range of Movement exercises.

  • Passive Range of Motion Exercise (PROME) – Here, the physiotherapist moves the limb along the joint range. It is mostly performed on patients who cannot move their limbs.
  • Active – Assistive Range of Motion Exercises (AAROME) – This Range of Motion Exercise is performed on patients who can move their limbs but need assistance to complete the joint range. Here the role of the physiotherapist is very important as he helps the patient to complete the movement and ensure that the pain is not worsened.
  • Active Range of Motion Exercise (AROME) – Here, the patient performs the physiotherapy exercises without any physical assistance from the physiotherapist. Though the physiotherapist suggests and instructs the proper execution of the exercise, the patient performs all the exercise by himself.

If you feel or experience any pain in the body, please contact us and speak to our skilled and experienced physiotherapists for an expert opinion.

19 Jun
When it comes to patient care, it is important to understand the different severities of injuries. This classification is important as it helps the medical practitioners to address and prioritize the efforts. Here, we are going to talk about the difference between injury and trauma and help you understand how does physiotherapy help in the treatment of both. Unfortunately, the injuries caused due to trauma are very severe and require need complex medical treatment and longer recovery time. Therefore, anyone who undergoes a traumatic injury must consult the experts for their condition and avail the best physiotherapy treatment to ensure maximum and fastest recovery.

What is an injury?

sven-mieke-unsplash What Is An InjuryIn simple terms, any instance that causes harm to the body can be classified as an injury. Injuries can be divided into different ranges, depending upon the severity and impact on the body. Some injuries might require immediate medical attention while some can heal naturally with minimum or less care. Some examples of injuries are cuts, burns, scrapes, minor concussions, broken bones and sprains. What may look like a minor injury could require urgent and special medical care. Therefore, it is suggested to visit a trained and experienced physiotherapist or practitioner in case of an injury.

What is a trauma?

Trauma can be explained as a more serious, possibly life-threatening injury, requiring urgent medical attention. A trauma is a critical injury and therefore most hospitals have a trauma center to attend and treat sensitive and urgent cases like these. Some of the examples of the trauma includes road accidents, severe cuts, burns, blunt-force trauma, serious falls, multiple broken bones, head injury, major concussions or stab wounds. Though the minor cuts or wounds can be handled by an effective first-aid kit or stitches, serious trauma like burns, bleeding artery or head injury may require extensive surgery followed by rehabilitation for a proper recovery.

Physiotherapy and Injury

When it comes to the recovery stage, physiotherapy is extremely beneficial. Many people believe that the road to recovery in injury passes through physiotherapy and the recovery can never be complete without physiotherapy. If a person has suffered from an injury from a broken bone or a sprained limb, he will face major challenges in routine activities. Simple tasks like walking or driving can be become arduous. This is where physiotherapy comes into picture. Physiotherapy provides the direction to exercise and mobilize specific muscles and tissues so that the body heals from the injury. If a person suffers from an injury – major or minor, it is suggested that he should consult with the doctor about the recovery plan that must include physiotherapy. It is important to note that even a minimal physiotherapy helps in regaining strength and functionality post the injury. Injury recovery is not possible with a focused and dedicated physiotherapy program. For cases involving broken bones or sprains, physiotherapy is very useful to stretch and comfort the affected area and expedite the healing. Preventive physiotherapy is also beneficial for elderly patients and people at risk of injury. It helps in ensuring and maintaining balance, strength, agility and a complete range of motion while preventing injuries.

Physiotherapy and Trauma

Trauma injuries usually require more extensive and immediate surgery to fix the damage. Traumatic cases have extensive long recovery process. Patients suffer mental and physical anguish in injuries involving surgery. Based on the extent and severity of the injury, the recovery process may be anywhere from a few days to several years. In some unfortunate cases, some patients are never able to recover despite optimal surgery. The time immediately after the injury and the subsequent surgeries is the most crucial one for people who have suffered a big physical trauma. It is this period that plays one of the biggest deciding roles in the duration and pace of the recovery. Therefore, it is suggested to consult an experienced and trained medical practitioner for the injury. Based on the injury and medical history, the doctor/medical practitioner prepares a recovery plan which starts immediately and involves a comprehensive active recovery like physiotherapy. Physiotherapy can be a painful and difficult process, but helps in regaining strength and mobility post traumatic injuries. They are a part of the recovery process in complicated cases like brain injuries and physical trauma.

Physiotherapy in GTA

Physiotherapy and rehabilitation care services can come in various forms based on the severity of the injury and medical history of the patient. For example, someone suffering from Tennis Elbow or Stress Fracture may need Shockwave Therapy Treatment, while someone who gets a head injury might need Vestibular Rehabilitation to cure dizziness and provide stability and balance to the mind. It is important to know that every situation is unique in its own way and therefore needs a different recovery plan and timeline. That is why one should be patient and adhere to the recovery plan chartered by the physiotherapist to get optimal results. At Triangle Physiotherapy, we offer a host of services aimed to provide relief from the pain and ensure preventive care for overall strength and well-being. Some of our services include –
  • Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy – To encourage patients to successfully treat pelvic issues
  • Vestibular Rehabilitation – To improve balance and reduce problems related to dizziness
  • Shockwave Therapy – To reduce pain and promote healing shock waves are delivered to the injured soft tissues
  • Chiropody – To lower the pain in the lower limbs and feet and cure mobility issues and infections
  • Chiropractic – To treat the muscles, joints, bones and nerves through a non-invasive and conservative approach
  • Naturopathic Medicine – To treat the root cause rather than covering up the symptoms using non-pharmacological interventions
  • Massage Therapy – To promote deep relaxation, release tension and provide optimal well-being by working on the superficial and deep tissues
  • Custom Bracing – To increase joint stability, improve alignment and reduce excessive movements
  • Acupuncture – To help the body heal naturally by activating trigger points to relive muscle tightness
  • Fascial Stretch Therapy – To achieve optimal strength, flexibility, performance and pain relief using table-based assisted stretching exercises
At Triangle Physiotherapy, we our trained and experienced physiotherapists will work with you to provide a comprehensive recovery program based on your conditions and medical history. Our services are tailor-made to provide relief and assistance to any type of injury or trauma and we ensure that you get the best recovery following our program. Our patients are our topmost priority and all our efforts are directed at providing them care and relief.

Click HERE to book an appointment with a physiotherapist at one of our eight locations.

17 Jun

Spondylolisthesis is a condition that leads to back pain caused by the instability in the vertebrae. According to an article published in Spine, 6 to 11.5% of the adult population experiences this condition. People who are involved in football or gymnastics are at a higher risk. While we understand that it’s a painful condition to be in, we don’t want you to stop doing what you love and therefore, we suggest you to book an appointment with our expert Physiotherapists at any of our nine rehabilitation clinics across the GTA (Etobicoke, North York, Mississauga, King West, Lawrence Park, Erin Mills, Queen Quay, Oakville, Liberty Village).
When it comes to spondylolisthesis, exercise plays a very important role in improving the condition. However, one must remember here that not all exercises are safe and can even further damage the spine. We are going to make you learn Spondylolisthesis exercises that must be avoided for an effective Spondylolisthesis treatment. Before we move to exercises to avoid in spondylolisthesis, we must first understand what is spondylolisthesis.

Spondylolisthesis – an overview

Low Back Pain

Is is usually caused by degeneration of the vertebrae or disc, due to trauma, injury or genetics. It makes a piece of the spinal bone, also known as vertebrae slips out of alignment and onto the bone below it. Spondylolisthesis usually occurs at the fifth lumbar vertebrae. As reported by the Cleveland Clinic, spondylolisthesis is one of the most common causes of back pain for teen athletes. Having said that, degenerative spondylolisthesis also results in low back pain in people older than 40 years.
Specific spondylolisthesis exercises are suggested to alleviate the pain and discomfort thereby improving the function and quality of life. Let’s now talk about the symptoms of spondylolisthesis.

Symptoms of Spondylolisthesis

Most of the spondylolisthesis symptoms include pain in the lower back that gets worse with standing and hyperextension. The pain may appear like a muscle strain. There are some other symptoms of spondylolisthesis that one must look out for –
• Tightness in hamstring
• Pain in posterior buttock
• Neurological changes including tingling down the legs and numbness
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms or have recently occurred an injury, consult our experienced physiotherapists at our rehabilitation clinics in different locations in GTA.
After a through examination, the physiotherapist suggests a personalised program to help reducing the pain and discomfort caused due to spondylolisthesis. Usually, the physiotherapists classify spondylolisthesis as low grade or high grade, depending on how much the vertebrae have slipped forward. Patients with lesser symptoms and low-grade slips respond well to conservative line of treatment, like exercise. However, patients who experience high grade slips witnessing numbness or tingling in the legs may require surgery.
Considering the potential risks, it is very important to know what exercises must be avoided in spondylolisthesis to prevent further damage or injury.

Spondylolisthesis Exercises to Avoid

If you are looking to rehabilitate a non-operative spondylolisthesis after consulting with the physiotherapist, expect it to take three to six months to heal, according to Sanford Orthopaedics Sports Medicine. It is suggested that the patient must take a break of at least three months from sports and athletics. The patients are also suggested to wear a brace for continuous stretch of time.
Other than rest and bracing, there are many other things to avoid in spondylolisthesis. We are now listing spondylolisthesis exercises to avoid to ensure proper and speedy recovery. These include lumbar extension movements that can take your spine past the neutral position. The lumbar extension movements may increase the pain and slow down the healing of the affected vertebrae.
Some other exercises to avoid in spondylolisthesis include –

  • Prone press-ups (Push-up while lying on the stomach)
  • Standing extensions
  • Prone leg raises (Lifting legs while lying on the stomach)
  • Back extension machine at the gym

It is also suggested that yoga asanas must also be avoided in spondylolisthesis. Yoga includes various back extension postures, like cobra and swan pose, which may not be safe to practice in spondylolisthesis.
There are some other exercises that must be avoided in spondylolisthesis. These includes weightlifting, exercises that need you to twist or bend, high impact activities that put a lot of stress on the healing back, like jumping rope or box jumps.

Now that we have learnt what exercises should be avoided for spondylolisthesis, we must also understand are the best to treat spondylolisthesis. Just like all the other injuries, physiotherapy is beneficial in the treatment of spondylolisthesis. Mostly, the rehabilitation focuses on increasing the core muscles without going past neutral along with hamstring stretches. One should expect up three to six months of rehabilitation before returning back to normalcy.

Spondylolisthesis Exercises to Do

We suggest the following spondylolisthesis exercises for a speedy and efficient recovery. We also suggest you to consult with your physiotherapist and not undertake any of these exercises without his approval.

  • Pelvic tilt exercises – These exercises help in reducing the discomfort by stabilising the lower spine in a flexed position. Depending upon the pain and your preference, pelvic tilt exercises can be done in various positions.
  • Crunches – Patients suffering from spondylolisthesis often face instability and pain caused by weak abdominal muscles. This can be strengthened with powerful crunch exercises. You must try to focus on proper form and moving slowly to engage the core muscles. Spondylolisthesis is a painful condition to be in and therefore we suggest not to force the body to move through full range of motion. This may increase the pain and slow down the recovery time.
  • Hamstring stretch – Spinal instability often causes tension in the hamstrings to those suffering from spondylolisthesis. Hamstrings are the large muscles that run down the back of the thigh. Stretching hamstrings sitting on the ground can help to relieve tension and tightness caused due to spondylolisthesis. It also reduces the lower back pain.
  • Multifidus activation – Multifidus muscles are the small but very important muscles lying next to the spine. These muscles help in bending and twisting movements thereby increasing the stability of the spinal joints. If suffering from spondylolisthesis, activating multifidi will ease the pain and provide the much-needed comfort.
  • Double knee to chest – This spondylolisthesis exercise is suggested to decrease the instability and improve the strength. It works on the core muscles of the torso and is thus beneficial in spondylolisthesis.

Check with your physiotherapist before starting any exercise program for spondylolisthesis while recovering from this injury. You can aim for a gradual return to physical and sports activities, depending on the severity of the injury and how string your core is. Post healing core strengthening is also suggested to prevent future injuries.

Click HERE to book an appointment with a physiotherapist at one of our eight locations.

12 May

Why Physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy is a highly beneficial niche treatment of injury, disorder and disease. Using specific physical methods, it aids in restoring the mobility, function and movement in the affected area. Physiotherapy uses experimented and researched information on how the body works and uses medically certified procedures for treatment.

Physiotherapy also comes extremely advantageous in preventing further injury or damage on the previously strained body part. It is widely popular as people of any age can receive its benefits by managing and maintaining great shape and health, thereby preventing injury or disease.

Physiotherapy is a degree-based occupation where well-trained, skilled and experienced professionals provide the best care and treatment. At Triangle Physiotherapy, our team of exceptionally qualified Physiotherapists do their best to provide you finest and world-class service.

Physiotherapists at Physiotherapy Oakville are well-researched and use their extensive skills and experience to improve complicated conditions like respiratory, neurological, cardiovascular, and neuromusculoskeletal issues. If you have an injury or are facing a problem, consult our expert physiotherapists at Physiotherapy Oakville at its various locations.

Our team stays updated with the latest scientific advancements, ensuring that you receive the most effective treatments available. By joining Physiotherapy Oakville, you benefit from personalized care plans tailored to your unique needs, helping you achieve optimal recovery and improved quality of life. Don’t wait connect with our experts today and take the first step towards better health and well-being.

Benefits of Physiotherapy

We are listing below some conditions where physiotherapy has helped in providing the best possible results.

  1. Eliminating or reducing pain

    Patients suffering from arthritis, muscle strain/sprain or tendonitis benefit from using therapeutic techniques and exercises such as Soft Tissue Mobilization or usage of modalities like TENS, IFC and Ultrasound. These therapies help in alleviating the pain thereby ensuring normalcy. You can check with our specialized and trained physiotherapists at Etobicoke centre for more information on this.

  2. Helps in avoiding surgery

    Let’s face this. We are all living in tough pandemic times and nobody wants to visit a hospital or undergo a surgery. However, there are some unavoidable situations where surgery is the last resort. Physiotherapy can help in avoiding this by managing and healing in the initial stages itself. It is also helpful in pre and post rehabilitation programs to mitigate the complications that can occur in the surgery. If you are residing in or around Toronto, we suggest you to consult our Physiotherapy experts in Toronto before planning a surgery. You can also discuss your case if you are recuperating from a surgery or treatment.

  3. Improving overall strength and coordination

    While physiotherapy is highly beneficial to reduce the pain during or after a surgery, it also aids in improving the overall strength and robustness of the body. Do you know that physiotherapy involves specific exercises and stretches that help in cumulative coordination of the body? So, if you are facing symptoms of vertigo or dizziness, we suggest you to get in touch with our Physiotherapists. Our expert physiotherapists in Oakville are highly qualified and provide specific program for your requirement.

  4. Reducing the dependency on medicines

    Every medicine that a patient consumes has a side effect at some point in life. Certain situations demand a patient to take medicines to control or treat his/her condition. However, there are cases like surgery, where a patient is dependent on the medicine for pain relief. We suggest physiotherapy as an alternative choice to address this concern and reduce the dependency and side effects caused by medicines.

  5. Boosting cardiovascular functioning and lung capacity

    Post- stroke surgery requires extreme care and recovery program. Physiotherapy offers post heart stroke patients in regaining their degree and sense of direction, movement and balance. Our experience physiotherapists at Triangle Physiotherapy helps the patients in readjusting to their daily healthy lifestyle. You can consult our seasoned and best physiotherapists at Lawrence Park for special programs on breathing exercises that helps in restoring the optimal lung capacity and blood flow in the body.

  6. Managing and preventing sports related injuries

    We understand that sports is all about agility and various sports can elevate the risk to specific types of conditions like ACL Tear, Golfers Elbow, Hamstring strain to name a few. Physiotherapy is extremely important and useful in such situations as it provides very specific treatment to improve the endurance and fix the symptomatic problem. Other than the injuries, sportsperson and athletes are benefitted with regular physiotherapy sessions. Our team of skilled physiotherapists at North York helps in improving the circulation and strengthening body muscles. This increases the flexibility which will improve whichever game you play.

  7. Staying fit at all ages and phases

    Old age is not always pleasant. It brings with it certain complications that hamper the daily lifestyle. These includes Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), Osteoporosis, Sciatica, Dementia, Neck pain, Back pain, Knee replacement etc. All these ailments can be controlled and managed by physiotherapy. If you or any of your loved ones is facing old age problems like these, we suggest you to check our rehabilitation clinic across GTA. You can have a look at Triangle Physiotherapy Mississauga or any other clinic close to your location.

  8. Managing heart and diabetic conditions

    It has been often observed that the diabetes patient suffer from discomforts like knee, shoulder and back pain. This is often resulted because of the unbalanced sugar levels in the body. There are dedicated physiotherapy plans that help in pain management caused due to diabetes. These plans also aid in controlling the sugar levels. Our expert physiotherapists at Triangle Physiotherapy help in guiding the patients about Diabetic Neuropathy, Diabetic Foot etc.

  9. Easing pregnancy and postpartum care

    Pregnancy is a beautiful journey. However, many women face trouble in this journey as their bodies undergo fundamental changes impacting overall well being and health. Many women face issues like fluctuating hormones, difficulty in carrying out routine activities due to increased body weight, changing habits etc. We suggest checking with our brilliant physiotherapist in Queens Quay clinic to enjoy this wonderful experience

  10. Improving mental health

    Of all the amazing benefits of physiotherapy, mental health is the most important one. We are not saying this just in terms of ‘feeling happy and healthy’. We understand that Mental Health is a lot more than that. At Triangle Physiotherapy, we acknowledge and advocate the fact that feeling good in your body is important not just to do your daily chores, but also to elevate your confidence in whatever do and wherever you go. That’s why we are – to help you realize your true and full potential.

    With the help of a skilled and qualified physiotherapist from Triangle Physiotherapy, we can customize a program for you that will suit your specific need. Get in touch with us and we would be happy to answer all your queries.
12 May

Physiotherapy is the study of science of movements. It is a healthcare profession that includes different treatment modalities like massages, electrotherapy, heat therapy, exercises, patient awareness and advice for treating an ailment, deformity or injury.

When should I go to a Physiotherapist?

This is a very common yet important question. If you have suffered an injury or chronic pain that affects your daily chores, then you must consult a good physiotherapist. You can also avail the benefits of physiotherapy after surgery, like knee replacement or stroke.

At Physiotherapy Oakville, we have a team of dedicated and skilled physiotherapists who provide expert care tailored to your specific needs. Scientific research supports the role of physiotherapy in improving recovery outcomes and enhancing overall physical function post-surgery. By joining Physiotherapy Oakville, you gain access to personalized treatment plans and evidence-based practices that help you recover efficiently and resume your daily activities with confidence.

What will a Physiotherapist do?

Our experienced Physiotherapists provide case-based solution to your need. These are focused on preventive as well as rehabilitation. Some scenarios where a good Physiotherapist can help –

  • Back and neck pain caused due to sprain in the skeleton or muscles
  • Conditions like arthritis or after effects of amputation that results in discomfort in joints, muscles, knees and ligaments
  • Lung disorders like asthma or bronchitis
  • Disability resulting from heart problems
  • Troubles occurred during childbirth like pelvic issue, bladder and bowel problems
  • Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis or loss of mobility due to trauma to the brain or spine
  • Pain, swelling, fatigue, loss of muscle strength and stiffness during palliative care or cancer treatment

What should I expect from my Physiotherapist?

Our trained Physiotherapists at Triangle Physiotherapy provide specific and concerned answers to your core problems. This is what you can expect from your Physiotherapist-

  • Your physiotherapist will understand your medical history
  • Based on the medical history and symptoms, the physiotherapist will assess and diagnose your condition
  • A treatment module will be set for you for your concern
  • Specific exercises and assistive devices would be suggested to you based on your module

To understand what all things are done in Physiotherapy, let’s try to learn the various types of treatment modalities used in Physiotherapy.

  • Manual Therapy – This technique is a very common one where the physiotherapists massage the affected joints to mobilise and manipulate using his hands. Our team of expert physiotherapists in Toronto are highly equipped and experienced in this therapy.Physiotherapy Clinic Etobicoke
  • Transcutaneous Electric Nerves Stimulation (TENS) Therapy – In this therapy, the physiotherapist uses a small device driven by a battery and place it on the skin surface of the patient. Low grade currents are sent through these electrodes to relive pain of the affected area.
  • Magnetic Therapy – This therapy uses electromagnets of different sizes and types. These are used to limit the pain of the affected body part.
  • Dry needling and acupuncture – In this therapy, the physiotherapist uses fine needles and insert them into specific body parts to alleviate the pain for a short time. You can consult with our physiotherapists at Etobicoke clinic for this specialized line of treatment.Physiotherapy Clinic North York
  • Taping – This physiotherapy technique is highly popular as it promotes body’s inherent natural healing mechanism. Here, the physiotherapist uses a tape which lifts the skin away from the connecting tissue, thereby increasing the space and allowing the lymphatic fluid to move more functionally to ease the pain.

Physiotherapy Clinic Oakville

  • Joint Mobilisation – This is a manual therapy technique where a physiotherapist mobilises the joint at different depths, speeds and amplitudes. It helps in restoring normal joint movement in the body. Our physiotherapists at Lawrence Park clinic are highly equipped and skilled in this technique.

Physiotherapy Clinic Mississauga

  • Stretches and exercises – This is a fairly common module where the physiotherapist teaches different exercises and techniques for body stretching which helps in restoring the joint movements.
  • Rehabilitation – This includes a broad range of corrective, preventive and stretching exercises to reduce the sprain or pain in the affected area.
  • Strengthening Program – This is one of the most important modalities in physiotherapy where the physiotherapist conducts specific program to make the patient understand about his personal responsibility towards his health and physical conditioning. This program is very useful as it helps the patient in improving overall heath, strength, balance, coordination and flexibility.Physiotherapy Clinic Downtown Toronto
  • Diathermy – In this technique, electrically induced heat or high-frequency electromagnetic currents are used to relive the pain and cure the condition. Our physiotherapists at North York clinic are efficient and skilled in this technique. If you are facing pain or recovering from a surgery, you can consult us.
  • Ultrasound and phonophoresis – A frequency range of 0.5 – 3 MHz is used in this therapeutic ultrasound. This technique induces a deep heat to the target area to treat muscle spasm, promote healing at cellular level and lower the inflammation. It also increases the metabolism and improve the flow of blood towards the damaged tissue. Phonophoresis uses ultrasonic waves for better absorption of drugs that are applied topically during the treatment. This is a very useful technique as it helps in reducing the pain by allowing maximum absorption of drugs like anti-inflammatory and analgesics.
  • Range of Motion exercises (RoM) exercises – A good physiotherapist would diagnose the patient and recommend Range of Motion exercises to improve the mobility of joints and reduce the stiffness in the muscles. There are various types of RoM exercises, like Passive Range of Motion (PROM) exercises, Active Assistive Range of Motion (AAROM) exercises and Active Range of Motion (AROM) exercises.
  • Soft tissue mobilization – This highly effective technique in physiotherapy helps in alleviating pain, reducing swelling and relaxing the tight muscles in the body.

To summarize, Physiotherapy is a special treatment to maintain, restore and make the most of a person’s function, mobility, strength and well-being. It helps through various techniques and aid in recovery as well as strengthen the body for w holistic living.
Now that we have established what all is done and expected in Physiotherapy, we would like to hear from you. Please write to us if you have any questions regarding Physiotherapy. You can also check our services and locations for any line of treatment.

Click HERE to book an appointment with a physiotherapist at one of our eight locations.

11 Mar

Imagine you have the power to control your pain, and stiffness.You will not have to spend months in therapy. You will not need to buy or use expensive equipment. You will not have to rely on needles, injections or surgery.You will use your own skills and resources when you gain knowledge and guidance from a Certified McKenzie Provider.

What is the McKenzie method?

The Mckenzie method utilizes repeated movements for assessment , diagnosis and treatment. It is a comprehensive and clinically reasoned evaluation of patients where the emphasis is on patient independence , avoidance of therapist dependency, and use of minimal intervention.
Also read, Best Physiotherapy Clinic in Etobicoke

What lower back problems can we treat with Mckenzie?

Developed by world-renowned expert physiotherapist Robin McKenzie in the 1950s, this well-researched MDT is a reliable assessment process intended for all musculoskeletal problems, including pain in the back,  as well as issues associated with sciatica, sacroiliac joint pain, arthritis, degenerative disc disease, muscle spasms and intermittent numbness in feet. If you are suffering from any such issues, then a MDT assessment may be right for you!

How does it work?

Most musculoskeletal pain is “mechanical” in origin, which means it is not due to a serious pathology like cancer or infection but a result of abnormal forces or mechanics occurring in the tissue. Further, it means that a position, movement or activity caused the pain to start. If a mechanical force caused the problem then it is logical that a mechanical force may be part of the solution. The MDT system is designed to identify the mechanical problem and develop a plan to improve  it. In the simplest and most common instance, this may mean that moving in one direction may provoke and worsen the pain, and moving in the opposite direction may eliminate the pain and restore function.
Also Read, Best Clinic for Physiotherapy in Oakville

Assessment, treatment and prevention.

The McKenzie assessment process begins with the trained clinician taking a detailed history about your symptoms and how they behave. This enables the clinician to identify specific pain patterns, which then helps the clinician develop a treatment plan specific to your pattern of presentation. The clinician will prescribe specific exercises and advice regarding appropriate postures and ergonomics.If your problem has a more difficult mechanical presentation, a certified McKenzie clinician can provide advanced hands-on techniques to help manage the problem until you can self-manage.The aim is to be as effective as possible in the least number of treatment sessions. By learning how to self-treat your current problem, you gain hands-on knowledge to minimize the risk of recurrence and rapidly deal with symptoms if they recur putting you in control safely and effectively. The chances of problems persisting can more likely be prevented through self-maintenance.
Take control of your pain, empower yourself and get back to the life you love with the McKenzie Method of Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy.

Book an appointment with our McKenzie Certified Physiotherapist, Ankit Doshi, BPT, MClSc (Adv Healthcare Practice), FCAMPT, CGIMS, Cert. MDT

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09 Mar

Piriformis Syndrome is a neuromuscular disorder that is caused when the piriformis muscle compresses the sciatic nerve. The piriformis muscle is a flat, band-like muscle located in the buttocks near the top of the hip joint. This muscle is important in lower body movement because it stabilizes the hip joint and lifts and rotates the thigh away from the body. This enables us to walk, shift our weight from one foot to another, and maintain balance. It is also used in sports that involve lifting and rotating the thighs, in short, in almost every motion of the hips and legs.

Causes of Piriformis Syndrome

The exact causes of piriformis syndrome are unknown. Suspected causes include:

  • Muscle spasm in the piriformis muscle, either because of irritation in the piriformis muscle itself, or irritation of a nearby structure such as the sacroiliac joint or hip
  • Tightening of the muscle, in response to injury or spasm
  • Swelling of the piriformis muscle, due to injury or spasm
  • Bleeding in the area of the piriformis muscle.

Also read, Best Mississauga Physiotherapy Clinic

Symptoms of Piriformis Syndrome

Most commonly, patients describe acute tenderness in the buttock and sciatica-like pain down the back of the thigh, calf and foot. Typical piriformis syndrome symptoms may include:

  • A dull ache in the buttock
  • Pain down the back of the thigh, calf and foot (sciatica)
  • Pain when walking up stairs or inclines
  • Increased pain after prolonged sitting
  • Reduced range of motion of the hip joint
  • Symptoms of piriformis syndrome often become worse after prolonged sitting, walking or running, and may feel better after lying down on the back.

Also Read, Triangle Physiotherapy Clinic at Oakville

Physiotherapy Treatment for Piriformis Syndrome

Ice Packs and Ice Massage

At the onset of pain, lie in a comfortable position on the stomach and place an ice pack on the painful area for approximately 20 minutes. Repeat as needed every 2 to 4 hours.
It may be more helpful to combine a gentle massage with the ice. Lie on the stomach and have someone gently massage the painful area with a large ice cube. If ice is applied directly to the skin (instead of a cold pack), limit it to 8 to 10 minutes to avoid an ice burn.

Heat Therapy

Some people find it helpful to alternate cold with heat. If using a heating pad, lie on the stomach and place the heating pad on the painful area for up to 20 minutes. Be sure to avoid falling asleep on a heating pad, as this may lead to skin burns.


The application of electrical stimulation to the buttock with a transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) unit or interferential current stimulator (IFC) can help to block pain and reduce muscle spasm related to piriformis syndrome.
Also Read, Best Physiotherapists in Etobicoke

Piriformis stretches

There are a number of ways to stretch one’s piriformis muscle. Two simple ways include:

  1. Lie on the floor with the legs flat. Raise the affected leg and place that foot on the floor outside the opposite knee. Pull the knee of the bent leg directly across the midline of the body using the opposite hand or a towel, if needed, until stretch is felt. Do not force knee beyond stretch or to the floor. Hold stretch for 30 seconds, then slowly return to starting position. Aim to complete a set of three stretches.

2. Lie on the floor with the affected leg crossed over the other leg at the knees and both legs bent. Gently pull the lower knee up towards the shoulder on the same side of the body until stretch is felt. Hold stretch for 30 seconds, then slowly return to starting position. Aim to complete a set of three stretches.


22 Jan
Shoulder Prehabilitation (prehab) involves the process of implementing a physical, psychological, nutritional intervention before an individual goes into surgery. The goal behind prehab programs is to maximize an individual’s physical and psychological fitness/health before surgery in order to reduce pain, increase physical function and allow you to return to your normal activities sooner following surgery.  Although there is limited evidence regarding shoulder prehab programs, there is promising and growing evidence that suggests prehab programs for hip, knee, and spinal surgery may improve pain, function and reduce the total cost of healthcare spending in the post-operative period.  Also Read, Physiotherapy Clinics in Etobicoke Best Physiotherapist in Oakville

Types of Surgeries for Shoulder

  • Reverse arthroplasty
  • Total shoulder arthroplasty/replacement 
  • Rotator cuff repair
  • SLAP repair
  • Bicep tendon repair
  • Tenotomy 

What Prehab Programs look like:

Most prehab programs can be anywhere from 2-8 weeks leading up to surgery and could potentially involve:

1)    Exercise training (2-3x/week)

  • Strengthening and stabilization exercises for the rotator cuff and muscles supporting your shoulder blade 
  • Home exercise program tailored to your needs
  • Exercise training 1 on 1 with a physical therapist

2)    Education: information delivered regarding

  • Shoulder anatomy and mechanics
  • Pain science education
  • The process of your operative procedure
  • Patient-therapist expectations
  • Post-operative protocol
  • Detailed exercise program and technique 
Also read, Best Physiotherapist near Mississauga

3)    Nutritional support

  • Consultation with a registered dietician
  • Detailed nutrition programs to optimize physical and mental health
  • Nutritional supplements as indicated

4)    Psychological support

  • Consultation with psychologist/ psychotherapist
  • Anxiety and stress reduction 
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy 
  • Relaxation techniques 
  • Coping strategies for surgery
Shoulder Prehab is a set of exercises and movements designed to strengthen and condition the shoulder joint and surrounding muscles, helping to prevent injury or improve recovery from a previous injury. Prehabilitation may include:
  1. Shoulder rotator cuff strengthening exercises such as internal and external rotation with light weights.
  2. Scapular stability exercises to improve posture and reduce stress on the shoulder joint.
  3. Stretching to improve flexibility and range of motion.
  4. Plyometric exercises to improve power and explosiveness.
  5. Core stability exercises to improve overall body control and stability.
Prehabilitation should be performed regularly, especially if you have a history of shoulder injuries or plan to participate in overhead activities such as weightlifting or throwing. By taking care of your shoulder before it becomes a problem, you can help prevent injury and improve your performance.

Click HERE to book an appointment with a physiotherapist at one of our eight locations.

18 Jan

One of the most common runners’ complaints is Shin splints (also known as Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (MTSS)). The word shin splints describes pain/discomfort that gets worse during running or exercise around the front of the lower shin. Shin splints are usually developed by overuse, and a registered physiotherapist will do a detailed assessment to diagnose shin splints and develop a treatment plan to resolve them.
Shin splints are painful and uncomfortable but here are a few tips to effectively manage them.

Woman suffering from an ankle injury while exercising. Running sport injury concept.


Shin splints are considered an overuse injury. In the short term, rest will help the pain, and it is advised to rest for a period of time before beginning to run again. Start with shorter, slower distances instead of jumping right back into long distances when you start running again. Start running once a week and work up to twice a week if you usually run 3 days a week. 
Also read, Best physsiotherapy clinic in Oakville


Place ice packs on your shins for a few minutes at a time. Icing will not treat your shin splints but will help effectively manage your pain after running.

Change up your workout routine

Adding resistance training to your workout routine can help reduce your pain by helping your muscles & tendons increase their capacity. Incorporating other types of aerobic exercise into your routine, like cycling, rowing, or the elliptical in place of running, can also help. Shin splints commonly come from the impact from running on hard or uneven surfaces. Replacing running with a different type of exercise once a week can help.

Stretching, warm-ups and cool-downs

Stretch your calves and shins before running to increase the flexibility in your legs. Warm-up before your workout to prepare your muscles and cool down at the end of it to help your muscles recover.
Also read, Best Physiotherapy Clinic in Missisuaga

Footwear & Orthotics

Think about how long you have had your running shoes. Good shoes are important as they act as shock absorbers every time your foot hits the ground. If the sole of the shoe is worn, shoes lose their shock absorption. Try a new pair of shoes with more cushioning and see how you get on.
Also, consider seeing a chiropodist for a pair of orthotics. Custom orthotics can help align and stabilize your foot and ankle, taking stress off of your lower leg. They can also be beneficial if you have flat feet.
Our physiotherapists at Triangle Physiotherapy can help resolve your shin splints and get you back to running or any other sport that you may love! Call us to book your assessment or book online here.

08 Mar
Osteoarthritis (OA) is caused by the wear and tear of the cartilage and can affect all joints in the body. The most commonly affected areas are the knees, hips, low back, neck, and the digits of the hands and feet. Osteoarthritis affects 3.3%-3.6% of the population globally. The risk factors for osteoarthritis include age, gender, weight, anatomy, and history of trauma. The severity of osteoarthritis can be evaluated through medical imaging. The following are characteristics and clinical presentation of OA:
  • Use-related pain
  • Stiffness
  • Crepitus
  • Decrease range of motion and flexibility
  • Instability, Weakness
  • Deformity
  • Swelling
  • Local
Also read, Best Physiotherapy Clinic in Mississuaga OA can be managed conservatively through physiotherapy or chiropractic interventions. Pharmacological or surgical intervention may also be of benefit depending on the severity of the joint. Assistive devices can aid in offloading the damaged joint. Physiotherapy and chiropractic treatment for osteoarthritis focuses on reducing pain and increasing physical function through education and exercises. An individualized exercise program consisting of stretching and strengthening the muscles surrounding the affected joint will improve the well-being of the individual.

Tell me more about the GLA:D™ for knee and hip osteoarthritis.

  • Good Life with osteoArthritis in Denmark (GLA:D™), developed in Denmark, is an education and tailored neuromuscular exercise program designed for individuals with hip or knee osteoarthritis
  • The program is unique because it provides education and targeted exercise that can be applied to movement in everyday activities
  • The program is suitable for individuals with early to late stages of OA
The following are the benefits of an individualized exercise program:
  • Decrease pain and stiffness
  • Increase mobility and function
  • Improve muscles length and elasticity
  • Improve cartilage
  • Reduce risk of injury
  • Delay surgical intervention A physiotherapist and chiropractor can help identify the main issues affecting an osteoarthritic joint and create a treatment program based on your needs and goals.
Contact us today if you would like to see one of our physiotherapists or chiropractors to help you manage your osteoarthritis & relieve your pain.

Click HERE to book an appointment with a physiotherapist at one of our eight locations.