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28 Aug

Working from home has become the norm for many people, but with it comes a set of unique challenges— chief among them is the risk of developing musculoskeletal issues. Hours spent hunched over a laptop or sitting at a desk can lead to discomfort and pain, especially in the back, neck, and shoulders. To counteract these issues, incorporating simple stretches into your daily routine can be highly effective. This blog will explore how stretching and other physiotherapy principles can prevent and treat injuries, manage pain, and promote overall well-being.

Understanding the Injury

Before diving into the specifics of stretching, it’s crucial to understand why these injuries occur. Prolonged sitting and poor posture are common causes of discomfort for those working from home. These issues can lead to muscle strain, poor spinal alignment, and reduced flexibility. Typical symptoms include:

  • Back Pain: Often due to poor posture or prolonged sitting.
  • Neck Pain: Caused by leaning forward or poor desk ergonomics.
  • Shoulder Pain: Often related to repetitive strain or poor posture.
Work From Home Stretches

Prevention and Treatment

Preventing injury is always better than treating it. Regular stretching and proper ergonomics can help keep your body in balance and reduce the risk of pain. However, if you do experience discomfort, addressing it early can prevent it from becoming a chronic issue.

Importance of Physiotherapy for Injury

Physiotherapy is vital for both preventing and treating musculoskeletal injuries. A physiotherapist can provide tailored exercises and stretches that target specific issues, helping to alleviate pain, improve posture, and enhance overall function. They use a combination of techniques, including manual therapy, exercise, and education, to treat and prevent injuries.

Ergonomic Stretching

Key Principles of Physiotherapy Exercises for Pain Relief

  1. Personalization: Exercises should be tailored to your specific needs and injury.
  2. Gradual Progression: Start with basic exercises and gradually increase intensity.
  3. Consistency: Regular practice is essential for long-term relief and prevention.
  4. Proper Form: Ensuring correct technique is crucial to avoid further injury.

Strengthening Exercises

Strengthening the muscles around your back, neck, and shoulders can help support your spine and prevent pain. Here are a few key exercises to incorporate:

  • Seated Rows: Using a resistance band or a machine, this exercise strengthens your upper back and shoulders. Sit with your back straight, pull the band or handle towards you, and squeeze your shoulder blades together.
  • Wall Angels: Stand with your back against a wall and your arms raised to form a “W” shape. Slowly slide your arms up the wall to form a “Y,” then return to the starting position. This exercise helps improve shoulder mobility and posture.
  • Bridges: Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Lift your hips towards the ceiling while squeezing your glutes and lower back muscles. This exercise strengthens your lower back and glutes, which can support your spine.

Neuromuscular Exercises for Pain Management and Prevention

Neuromuscular exercises focus on improving the connection between your brain and muscles, which can help with pain management and injury prevention:

  • Core Stabilization: Planks and side planks strengthen your core, improving your body’s ability to support your spine. Hold each position for 20-30 seconds and gradually increase as you build strength.
  • Pelvic Tilts: Lying on your back with your knees bent, flatten your lower back against the floor by tightening your abdominal muscles. This exercise helps improve lower back stability.
  • Neck Retractions: Sit or stand with your back straight and gently pull your head back, tucking your chin towards your chest. This exercise can help relieve neck tension and improve posture.

Progressive Resistance Training

Progressive resistance training involves gradually increasing the weight or resistance you use during exercise. This type of training can enhance muscle strength and endurance, which is beneficial for injury prevention:

  • Dumbbell Rows: Hold a dumbbell in one hand, place your other hand and knee on a bench for support, and pull the dumbbell towards your hip. This exercise targets your upper back and biceps.
  • Shoulder Presses: Using dumbbells or a barbell, press the weights overhead while keeping your core engaged. This strengthens your shoulders and upper back.
  • Single Leg Squat: To perform a single-leg squat, stand on one leg with your other leg extended slightly forward. Lower your body by bending your standing knee and pushing your hips back, keeping your torso upright. Lower as far as comfortable, then return to the starting position. Repeat on the other leg.

Incorporating Stretching and Flexibility Exercises in Your Routine

Incorporating stretching and flexibility exercises into your daily routine can greatly benefit your overall comfort and well-being:

  • Neck Stretch: Gently tilt your head towards one shoulder, using your hand to apply light pressure. Hold for 20-30 seconds, then switch sides.
  • Shoulder Stretch: Bring one arm across your chest and use the opposite arm to press it closer to your body. Hold for 20-30 seconds and switch arms.
  • Back Stretch: Sit in a chair, cross one leg over the other, and twist your torso towards the top leg. Hold for 20-30 seconds and switch sides.
  • Hip Flexor Stretch: Kneel on one knee with the other foot in front. Gently push your hips forward to stretch the front of your hip. Hold for 20-30 seconds and switch legs.

Working from home doesn’t have to come with a side of back and neck pain. By incorporating simple stretches and following key physiotherapy principles, you can prevent injuries, manage pain, and maintain overall comfort. Remember to personalize your exercises, progress gradually, and stay consistent. If you experience persistent discomfort, don’t hesitate to consult a physiotherapist to tailor a program to your specific needs. With the right approach, you can create a healthier, more comfortable home workspace.

Need advice on how to work from home without aches and pains? We can help!

Sitting for prolonged periods can cause many issues and create long term health problems.

Our team of expert physiotherapists in Mississauga are here to assist you in managing injuries or conditions that have reduced your ability to work comfortably from home without having pain and posture-related injuries.

Book an appointment with one of our physiotherapists in Mississauga today!

27 Mar

Golf is known for its emphasis on skill, strategy, and etiquette, and it is enjoyed by millions of people worldwide. Apart from the swing, optimal golf performance involves perfect coordination between physical fitness, technique, and mental focus. Physiotherapy is increasingly used by golfers to enhance their game, to optimize golf performance.

What are the key physical attributes essential to a good golf game?

  • Core Strength and Stability for Swing Power
  • Spine and Cervical Rotation for Swing Rotation
  • Wrist and Forearm Mobility for Control
  • Lower Body Mobility for Distance
  • Pelvic Tilt for Power and Control
  • Single Leg Balance for Stability

What are the most common golf injuries?

The most common Golf injuries are:


Tendinitis is caused by overuse or repetitive movements, especially during activities such as sports, gardening, or typing, notably in elbows (tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow) and wrists. The symptoms are: aching, tenderness, and swelling around the affected joint during and after play.

How to prevent tendinitis:

  • Warm-up and cool-down: stretch before and after each round.
  • Proper form: Ensure that you use proper technique and form. Improper technique can put excessive stress on tendons and increase the risk of tendinitis.
  • Listen to your body: Pay attention to any signs of discomfort or pain during physical activity. If you experience persistent pain or discomfort in a tendon, stop the activity and rest. Continuing to push through pain can exacerbate the injury and lead to more severe problems.

Shoulder Injuries:

Shoulder injuries related to golfing are relatively common, particularly among avid golfers or those who engage in the sport frequently without proper technique or conditioning. The golf swing involves complex movements that can place stress on various parts of the body, including the shoulders.

How to prevent shoulder injuries:

  • Warm-up: perform a thorough warm-up routine that includes dynamic stretches and exercises to prepare your muscles and joints for the golf swing.
  • Maintain good posture: PWork with a golf instructor to ensure that your golf swing technique is sound and biomechanically efficient. Proper swing mechanics can help reduce stress on the shoulders and decrease the risk of injury. Pay attention to your posture, grip, and rotation throughout the swing.
  • Gradual progression: Pace yourself during your round of golf and avoid swinging too forcefully, especially if you’re fatigued.

Back Pain:

The repetitive motion of the golf swing, combined with the rotational forces generated by the movement, can place stress on the muscles, ligaments, and joints of the back, leading to discomfort or injury. The symptoms are: Aching, stiffness, or sharp pain in the lower back, sometimes radiating down the legs.

How to prevent back injuries:

  • Core strengthening exercises
  • Posture: Avoid excessive rounding or arching during swings.
  • Proper lifting techniques: Avoid bending from the back during activities.

Knee Problems:

Knee problems are caused by pivoting motions and uneven terrain stress knees, causing tendonitis, patellar instability, and arthritis. The symptoms are:

  • Symptoms: Knee pain, swelling, and stiffness, especially during weight-bearing activities.

How to prevent knee problems:

  • Strengthening exercises: Target hamstrings, quads, and calves for knee stability.
  • Proper footwear: Select supportive shoes with good traction for uneven surfaces.
  • Warm-up and cool down: Prepare knee joints before play and stretch after the game.

How do I prevent golf injuries?

Seeing a physiotherapist before golfing season is highly recommended. Your physiotherapist will help you with:

  • Strengthening: Strengthen core, shoulder, and leg muscles with planks, lunges, and rotator cuff exercises. A strong foundation makes your body resilient to swing demands.
  • Flexibility: Maintain spine, hip, and shoulder range of motion for a smoother swing. Incorporate gentle stretches and yoga poses to reduce muscle strains.
  • Balance and Proprioception: Improve balance and body awareness with single-leg stances and wobble board exercises. Prevent awkward falls on the course.

How do I book an appointment with a Physiotherapist near me?

Click HERE to book an appointment with a physiotherapist or chiropractor at one of our eight locations.

Improving your golf game this spring can greatly benefit from the right physical conditioning and expert guidance. For personalized support, consider physiotherapy in Etobicoke, Oakville, North York, Toronto, Lawrence Park, Queens Quay, Erin Mills, Mississauga, or Liberty Village. Skilled physiotherapists in these areas can help you enhance your strength, flexibility, and overall performance on the golf course.

31 Jan

Physiotherapy can certainly help with posture issues. Have you caught yourself slouching or seen a reflection of yourself in a window, shoulders hunched? If yes, you are not alone. The good news is that there are ways to improve your posture and health practitioners like physiotherapists and chiropractors can help.

Why does good posture matter?

Maintaining proper posture extends beyond merely standing upright; it entails positioning your body to reduce pressure and tension on your joints and muscles. This encompasses maintaining a straight spine, relaxed shoulders, a raised head in harmony with your body, and even hips, with knees directed forward. Good posture also involves ensuring that your chin is parallel to the floor and that your body weight is evenly distributed on both feet.

What are some common posture problems?

Some common posture problems are as below:

Forward Head Posture (FHP): This occurs when the head is positioned forward of the shoulders. It often results from prolonged periods of looking at screens or poor ergonomics.

Kyphosis (Round Shoulders): Kyphosis is an exaggerated rounding of the upper back. It can be caused by factors like slouching, muscle imbalances, or structural issues.

Lordosis (Swayback): Lordosis is an excessive inward curve of the lower back. It can be caused by factors such as poor sitting habits, weak core muscles, or pregnancy.

Flat Back Posture: This posture involves a reduction in the natural curve of the spine, particularly in the lower back. It may result from muscle imbalances or conditions like ankylosing spondylitis.

Scoliosis: Scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spine, often appearing as an “S” or “C” shape. It can be congenital or develop during growth spurts in adolescence.

Physiotherapy Oakville

Rounded Shoulders: Rounded shoulders occur when the shoulders are pushed forward, and the chest collapses. This can be caused by muscle imbalances and poor habits like prolonged sitting.

Anterior Pelvic Tilt: This is when the front of the pelvis drops lower than the back, causing an exaggerated curve in the lower back. It can be caused by muscle imbalances, tight hip flexors, and weak abdominal muscles.

Posterior Pelvic Tilt: In this posture, the back of the pelvis drops lower than the front, flattening the lower back. It can be caused by weak hamstrings and glutes.

Crossed Syndrome: This is a pattern of muscle imbalances that can lead to poor posture. It typically involves a combination of tight and weak muscles, often seen in individuals with sedentary lifestyles.

Text Neck: This is a modern posture problem associated with the increased use of smartphones and devices. It involves a forward head position and increased strain on the neck and upper back.

How do I book an appointment with a Physiotherapist near me?

Click HERE to book an appointment with a physiotherapist or chiropractor at one of our eight locations.

“Improving your posture through physiotherapy can lead to better overall health and reduced pain. Triangle Physiotherapy offers expert services across the GTA, including Physiotherapy in Etobicoke, Oakville, North York, Toronto, Lawrence Park, Queens Quay, Erin Mills, Mississauga, and Liberty Village. Our skilled physiotherapists can help you develop a personalized plan to correct and maintain good posture.”

24 Sep

What are orthotics?

Orthotics are custom made inserts that are worn inside your shoe to control abnormal foot function.
Orthotics solve a number of biomechanically related problems, for example, ankle and knee pain, pelvis, hip, spinal pain. This is achieved by preventing misalignment of the foot, which significantly alters the way in which the bones move within their joints.
Orthotics work for the feet the same way prescription glasses work for the eyes.

Who can benefit from orthotics?

Custom orthotics can be used for all ages and for a variety of activities and can be made to fit any type of shoe.

Where can I get the best custom orthotics?

The best custom orthotics can be purchased from a clinic where a chiropodist or qualified health professional conducts an assessment and a 3D scan of your feet to determine the best orthotics for you. The 3D Scan is then sent to a lab where the scan is used to manufacture your orthotics.
Triangle Physiotherapy has qualified health practitioners that can assess you and recommend the best custom orthotics for you.

How can Orthotics correct foot conditions?

The best custom orthotics can:

  • Help balance pressure placed on the feet by redistributing the weight appropriately
  • Help stabilize the heel
  • Support the arch of the feet
  • Provide cushioning to delicate and inflamed areas of the feet that arise from too much walking, jogging, running, etc.

What is a knee brace and how can it help me?

A knee brace can help support and stabilize an unstable knee due to injury or osteoarthritis. The best knee brace will offer the support you need in order to balance and evenly distribute your weight in order to have a more comfortable walk or run.

What conditions can a knee brace help with?

Whether it’s a knee sprain, arthritis, torn ACL, runner’s knee, knee instabilities or knee discomfort, the best knee braces help support and manage pain.

When should I start wearing a knee brace?

Once you start experiencing knee pain or discomfort or find that the knee is unstable while walking or running or after you have had knee surgery , book an appointment with one of our health practitioners who can assess you and recommend the best knee brace for you.

“Custom orthotics and knee braces can significantly improve mobility and reduce pain. Triangle Physiotherapy offers expert services across the GTA, including Physiotherapy in Etobicoke, Oakville, North York, Toronto, Lawrence Park, Queens Quay, Erin Mills, Mississauga, and Liberty Village. Our experienced team can help you find the best solutions to support your foot and knee health, ensuring a personalized approach to your treatment.”

26 May

Our knees support the weight of our bodies with each step we take. When we begin to experience knee pain, it can be very debilitating, especially if the pain is severe. Some common causes of knee pain are: joint strain or damage, patellar maltracking, obesity, poor foot biomechanics, and many others. In some cases, severe osteoarthritis (OA) can be the cause of the knee pain. While exercises are extremely beneficial in building muscular support and managing the effects of the OA, a knee brace can be a good intervention to provide support and delay any surgical intervention. It can help to reduce swelling and pressure on the joints and can shift weight away from the damaged and painful areas of the joint. This can significantly improve a person’s mobility by decreasing their pain.

What is Osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common joint condition. At its core, it is the deterioration of the cartilage which lines our joints and makes movement fluid and pain-free. While mild OA is a normal age-related change, severe OA involves a significant reduction in the amount of lubricating fluid (known as synovial fluid) within the joint. This can cause significant pain with movement, stiffness, and imbalance because of a more bone-on-bone type of feeling.
Also read, Best Physiotheraoy clinic in Mississauga

Knee brace for Osteoarthritis

As mentioned above, a knee brace can be a good management option for dealing with the effects of OA. A good knee brace will offer the support you need in order to balance and evenly distribute your weight in order to have a more comfortable walk or run. Material used to make braces can be plastic, metal, or sometimes composite materials. In addition, synthetic rubber is used for positioning and padding. It’s made in way so that your skin can breathe while your knees are supported.
Also read, Best Physiotherapy Clinic in Oakville

Types of knee braces in osteoarthritis

There are three styles of braces: Basic, Compression and Unloader for three different levels of support.

  1. Basic braces are for those who suffer from mild pain that worsens with activity and motion. Most people wear them while exercising or walking/running for long periods of time.
  2. Compression sleeves/advanced braces provide support for moderate osteoarthritic pain. They are generally worn during exercise in order to keep the joints warm and hold the knees in proper alignment.
  3. Unloader braces are for severe osteoarthritis. They are worn when a person is suffering from severe pain due to their knee OA and will physically unload the joint, causing less pressure to go through it.

We at Triangle physiotherapy will assess you knee joints and develop a complete treatment plan for you. Our expert physiotherapists can help you choose the correct knee brace to manage your OA. Book your appointment now and feel some relief so you can get back to your normal life as soon as possible!
Visit Here:

Using a knee brace can help manage osteoarthritis pain and improve mobility, but combining it with physiotherapy provides the best results. For personalized physiotherapy care, consider clinics in physiotherapy Etobicoke, Oakville, North York, Toronto, Lawrence Park, Queens Quay, Erin Mills, Mississauga, and Liberty Village. These locations offer specialized treatment plans to support knee health and enhance your quality of life.

12 Dec
 We’ve all noticed that we tend to slow down a little during the winter. The drop in temperatures and the occasional snowfall can make us feel like not getting out of bed. This is the time of the year for skiing, snowboarding, skating, and many holiday parties! However, it’s important to make sure that we are still thinking of safety during all of these activities (yes, even the holiday parties) in order to avoid any injuries.

Physiotherapy Mississauga

Some common winter sports injuries:
1)    Separated shoulders
2)    Knee Sprains
3)    Torn ligaments
4)    Pulled muscles
5)    Fractures
Also read, Etobicoke Physiotherapy Clinic
Exercising alone isn’t enough to achieve good health if you’ve already had an injury. It’s important to address injuries before they worsen and become more difficult to manage. At Triangle Physiotherapy, we promote active treatment programs that emphasize exercise to encourage client participation & independence.

Overcoming winter aches and pains:

Sometimes, a change in the weather could cause dormant aches to become more apparent. Joint pain can occur anytime throughout the year, but in the cold and wet months of the winter, you may find it harder to cope with.
A visit to a physiotherapist can help to keep you moving forward in a pain-free manner.

  1. Avoid excess twisting and forward bending. Bend the knees and keep the back as straight as possible when you are lifting.
  2. Make sure that you are using proper techniques and good body mechanics to help you avoid shoulder and low back injuries can be avoided.
  3. Don’t let the cold weather put you off – bundle up and be careful in wet or icy conditions.
  4. Exercising regularly will help reduce pain within your joints and help prevent other health issues.
  5. Also, ensure that you don’t overdo exercise if you are new in the sphere. Make sure you warm up with a brisk walk or gentle jogging.

Also read, Physiotherapy Treatment in Oakville

When our body is cold, it restricts the amount of blood it sends to our extremities, like our hands and feet, so that it can focus on supplying vital organs (like the heart and lungs) with blood. This means that we lose less heat from blood circulating near the surface of the skin, and also means that the joints get less blood. This can cause delayed healing and an increased insensitivity to pain.

To answer all of your queries in detail, we, at Triangle Physiotherapy thoroughly assess you and create customized treatment programs that address each individual’s needs. There are many people who feel depressed during the winter months, which can increase their sensitivity to pain. Don’t let your passion for living a pain-free life take a back seat during the winter season!

Triangle Physiotherapy is coming up with a new health campaign called #JoinTheMovement. By participating in this movement, you will notice a significant difference in your overall health awareness and awareness of what a Physiotherapist can do for you.

So, what are you waiting for? For more information on our services, visit our pages on facebook, and instagram

Winter can increase the risk of slips and falls, making physiotherapy essential for recovery and injury prevention. If you are looking for expert physiotherapy services, there are reputable clinics in physiotherapy Etobicoke, Oakville, North York, Toronto, Lawrence Park, Queens Quay, Erin Mills, Mississauga, and Liberty Village. These clinics provide specialized care and tailored treatment plans to help you stay safe and active throughout the winter season.

04 Aug

Are your worries all perched on a pillow? And we don’t mean figuratively, but literally, are your worries all about THE PILLOW? Well, you are not in as uncommon a dilemma as you may think. Physiotherapists frequently get queries about pillow-related problems.

Sleeping on the wrong pillow, or one that is too worn out, not only leads to headaches, backaches, and neck cramps but also prevents you from getting a good night’s sleep. Lack of proper sleep can lead to many serious health issues, like obesity, heart disease, diabetes, etc.

It is imperative that you choose the right pillow for yourself but the kind of pillow you should pick will depend on your own unique needs as well. A physiotherapist is the best person to tell you exactly what you need. However, here are a few things that you can keep in mind while making a choice –

  • Your usual sleeping position
  • The shape and size of your head, neck and back
  • Desired softness/firmness of the pillow
  • Any neck pain, or backache you may have
  • And your budget

Physiotherapy Downtown Toronto

Also read, Physiotherapy Clinic in Mississauga
There are a plethora of pillows in the market – cotton, polyester, feather, down, memory foam etc. However, these don’t cater to specific support or pain needs. If you have been injured, or have a particular condition, you will need a pillow that caters best to not just your problem, but also the stage that you are in. There are three main stages –

  • Accommodation
  • Correction
  • Maintenance

For each of these three stages, you will need a specific kind of pillow.

Accommodation Stage:

Specialty pillows that are designed for the ‘Accommodation’ stage, are pillows that bring in comfort and ease by providing support and stabilizing the existing ailment or disorder. Such pillows are often called Displacement pillows and are often recommended by physiotherapists for short-term pain relief after an injury.

Correction Stage:

The next stage of an issue or injury is ‘Correction’. At this stage, a doctor or physiotherapist attempts to find a remedy for the cause of the problem, and thereby correct it. Pillows recommended in this stage are often designed to provide support, and sometimes to even change the sleeping position of the injured or ailing person. There are various ‘Supportive’ pillows to meet different support levels, firmness and neck lobe size needs of different patients. There are also specialized ‘Corrective’ pillows, which can reduce headaches, neck pain, joint pain, and whiplash discomfort and can even improve nerve function. A physiotherapist can tell you what is the ideal Supportive or Corrective pillow you need, based on your health and body needs.
 Also read, Physiotherapy Clinic Oakville

Maintenance Stage:

Pillows for the last stage, ‘Maintenance’, help to promote good health by returning and keeping the body in its natural alignment. At this stage maintaining the normal curvature of the neck and spine is of utmost importance. While the normal curvature of one person’s neck and spine may differ from another, there are some general guidelines that a physiotherapist can jot down to help you understand your needs better. Comfort and support are the most important of these.

There are also Aqua pillows, which perform all the 3 functions of a pillow:

  1. Accommodation: Since water is fluid, a person gets customized accommodation that happens in real time, as the individual changes their position on the pillow.
  1. Correction: The volume of water determines the firmness and density of the pillow, which means different amounts of water can be utilized to help correct the neck position of different people in different stages of healing.
  1. Maintenance: Since the volume of water remains constant until changed manually, it helps maintain the neck posture at all times while sleeping.

A lot of people buy a pillow, try it for a few nights, and then feel it isn’t right for them. Sometimes the pillows can be returned, but more often, people end up having a collection of pillows that they have hardly ever used. An Aqua pillow is a huge savior in this aspect, as it can be customized for each individual! The water levels can be modified to best suit the clinical condition, neck shape, and size, and preferred sleeping position of the buyer.

There are also specially designed Orthopaedic pillows for specific conditions like arthritis, fractures, and slip discs. A physiotherapist can enlighten you more about these.

Seek the help of our professionals at any of our locations in Etobicoke, Oakville, North York, Mississauga & Downtown Toronto, and say goodbye to your pillow problems!

Proper posture and support are essential for preventing discomfort and maintaining spinal health. For those seeking professional physiotherapy services to address posture-related issues, consider visiting clinics in physiotherapy Etobicoke, Oakville, North York, Toronto, Lawrence Park, Queens Quay, Erin Mills, Mississauga, and Liberty Village. These clinics offer expert care and tailored treatment plans to help you improve your posture and overall well-being.

18 Jul

Who doesn’t want to stay flexible, especially as they age? Well, stretching is one very good way to stay flexible! According to the American College of Sports Medicine, it’s good to stretch all the major muscle groups at least two times a week. Stretching is an integral part of physiotherapy, and a physiotherapist is the perfect person to guide you on how to stretch. Physiotherapists recommend stretching regularly, as it keeps one’s hips and hamstrings flexible later in life, which is very important for easy movement in old age.

Apart from this stretching has many other benefits:

  • It increases muscle flexibility
  • It improves posture
  • It also improves performance in sports & other activities
  • It provides relief from stress
  • It helps prevent injuries
  • It prevents Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness or DOMS, which is the soreness and pain one suffers a few hours to a few days after hectic exercise.

Also read, Physiotherapy Etobicoke

Physiotherapy Downtown Toronto
The first question that many wonder about, is what body parts should one stretch.
In physiotherapy, stretching the following body parts is considered essential –

  • Neck
  • Jaw
  • Upper Back
  • Shoulders
  • Triceps
  • Biceps
  • Wrists
  • Quadriceps
  • Calves
  • Hamstrings
  • Hips
  • Groin

The next thing to take into consideration is if there is the right amount of time to stretch. While there is no particular amount of time that physiotherapists suggest you stretch, recent studies show that 3 sets of 30-second stretches, 5 days per week for 4 weeks help to strengthen hamstring muscles greatly.
Also read, Physiotherapy Treatment Oakville

There are many kinds of Stretching that physiotherapists recommend.

Stretching a muscle to its full extent and holding it for 15 to 30 is known as the Static Stretch. You can exceed this time frame a bit but don’t stretch until it hurts, as you can end up doing more damage to your muscles than good by over stretching. However, don’t do Static Stretches before a run or sprint, as this can slow down your speed by tiring out the muscles.
Before warming up for a run or other sports, doing Dynamic Stretches is more suitable. Dynamic Stretches are stretches that you do, as you are moving, and hence are called dynamic.
Another effective way of stretching, often used in physiotherapy, is Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) Stretching.
PNF stretching is an advanced type of stretching wherein the targeted muscle or muscle group, is stretched, contracted, and finally relaxed. This process is repeated at least 2 to 4 times before moving on to the next muscle group. PNF stretching helps to elongate one’s muscles and was first developed as a muscle therapy by athletes, but is now often used in physiotherapy as a means of increasing flexibility.
Stretching can be used as a preventative precaution, but also to help correct and recover from more serious issues. A physiotherapist can guide you more regarding the stretching exercises that will be best suited to your needs. So visit any of our locations in Etobicoke, Oakville, North York, Mississauga & Toronto, and find out how you can get the most out of stretching!

Stretching with physiotherapy can help improve flexibility, prevent injuries, and enhance overall physical performance. If you’re looking for professional physiotherapy services to guide you in safe and effective stretching techniques, there are clinics in physiotherapy Etobicoke, Oakville, North York, Toronto, Lawrence Park, Queens Quay, Erin Mills, Mississauga, and Liberty Village. These clinics provide expert care and personalized treatment plans to help you achieve your mobility and wellness goals.

24 May

Yoga has been gaining immense popularity lately, due to the short-term as well as long-term benefits that it provides. Practicing yoga provides a strong spiritual element that offers fitness and flexibility. People suffering from various health disorders can find solutions through yoga, and they may reap the extra benefits yoga provides through living a more stress-free lifestyle as well as with increased fitness.

Yoga for a healthy life

Yoga is an ancient system of health that promotes ‘union’ and connects the body, mind, breath and spirit as one unit, therefore enhancing and promoting an overall balanced lifestyle of health and well-being.
Also read, Best Physiotherpist in Oakville

Physiotherapy Oakville

If practiced regularly the benefits of yoga are numerous. Physically and mentally, yoga may result in:

  • Improvement in muscular strength
  • Endurance
  • Flexibility
  • Body awareness
  • Circulation
  • Digestion
  • Hormonal balance
  • Normalizing blood pressure
  • Weight loss
  • Pain relief
  • Alertness
  • Concentration
  • Improvement in sleep
  • And much, much more!

It is believed that we only have a limited number of breaths in each life. Hence,yoga is believed to stretch our lives out a bit longer by taking slow and deep breaths.

Also read, Physiotherapy Treatment in Mississauga

Research has also suggested that yoga improves social and occupational functioning in schizophrenic patients.


Some styles of yoga emphasize breathing and meditation, with limited activity; some styles emphasize form and alignment through postures, some are about a serious workout and flow, & some are all about relaxation.

Not a competition:

Don’t try a posture that you are uncomfortable with; don’t let someone else push you into something that you don’t want to do; and don’t think that you have to compete with yourself or others to achieve a posture.

Yoga is not about competition or feeling the burn.  However, a little discomfort is to be expected.  There is a huge difference between pain and discomfort, and most people mistake one for the other, especially when they are new to yoga practice.

Consult A Physiotherapist
At Triangle Physiotherapy, we work with the help of your medical history and assess how yoga may help guide your health in the right direction. All you need to do is overlook your anxieties related to your health, and feel free to contact any of our five locations for an in-depth consultation.

Incorporating yoga into your routine can enhance flexibility, strength, and overall well-being, and combining it with physiotherapy can optimize these benefits. For those seeking professional physiotherapy services to complement their yoga practice, there are clinics in physiotherapy Etobicoke, Oakville, North York, Toronto, Lawrence Park, Queens Quay, Erin Mills, Mississauga, and Liberty Village. These locations provide expert care and tailored treatment plans to support your physical health journey.

27 Apr

What are orthotics?
Orthotics are custom-made inserts that are worn inside your shoe to control abnormal foot function.
Orthotics solve a number of biomechanically related problems, for example, ankle and knee pain, pelvis, hip, and spinal pain. This is achieved by preventing misalignment of the foot, which significantly alters the way in which the bones move within their joints.
Also read, Physiotherapy Rehab Clinic in Mississauga

Physiotherapist in Toronto

How are custom orthotics made?

The process starts with the chiropodist, chiropractor, or physiotherapist conducting a Biomechanical Gait analysis on a tablet that records your gait pattern & explaining the results to you. The chiropodist, chiropractor, or physiotherapist may also take a 3D cast of your feet in a foam box.

The orthotics are then custom-manufactured in the lab based on your foot impressions & scan.

Once the orthotics are made & delivered to the clinic, the chiropodist, chiropractor or physiotherapist will have you come in for a fitting & explain to you the wear & care of the orthotics.

Also read, Physiotherapy Clinic in Etobicoke

Why choose Triangle Physiotherapy for your custom orthotics?

  • State-of-the-art technology
  • Experienced chiropodists, chiropractors or physiotherapists trained in Biomechanical Assessments & Orthotic Prescription
  • Lifetime warranty on the orthotics*
  • Assistance with sending your claims to your insurance.

Click HERE to book an appointment with a chiropodist at one of our eight locations.

Orthotics are essential for providing support, alignment, and pain relief for various foot and lower limb conditions. If you are looking for professional physiotherapy services to complement your orthotic treatment, there are clinics in physiotherapy Etobicoke, Oakville, North York, Toronto, Lawrence Park, Queens Quay, Erin Mills, Mississauga, and Liberty Village. These locations offer specialized care and personalized treatment plans to help you achieve optimal foot health and mobility.