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14 Oct

What Is Bell’s Palsy?

Bell’s palsy, also known as idiopathic facial palsy, is a sudden weakness or paralysis on one side of the face. It is caused by inflammation on the facial nerve, which is usually temporary. 

What are the symptoms of Bell’s palsy?

  • The most common symptom of Bell’s palsy is the sudden weakness or paralysis on one side of your face causing it to droop. 
  • Drooling.
  • Eye issues such as excessive tearing or a dry eye.
  • Altered taste.
  • difficulty eating and drinking
  • Sensitivity to sound.
  • Pain in or behind your ear.
  • Numbness in the affected side of your face.
  • Dry mouth

What are the causes of Bell’s palsy and what Is the main cause of Bell’s palsy ?

Bell’s palsy is facial nerve paralysis of unknown cause but it’s often related to having a viral infection. Viruses that have been linked to Bell’s palsy include viruses that cause:

Some viruses which have been believed to be common Bell’s palsy causes are:

  • Cold sores and genital herpes (herpes simplex)
  • Chickenpox and shingles (herpes zoster)
  • Mumps 
  • Flu 
  • Infectious mononucleosis (Epstein-Barr)

Other conditions that may cause Bell palsy are:

  • HIV infection
  • Lyme disease
  • Middle ear infection
  • Sarcoidosis

What is the best cure for Bell’s palsy and what happens If Bell’s palsy Is untreated?  

Most people with Bell’s palsy fully recover even without treatment. But some medications or physiotherapy can help speed up Bell’s palsy recovery. Some studies showed that about one third of untreated Bell’s Palsy patients suffered from long term effects such as facial spasms and disfigurement, and chronic pain. 

The best Bell’s palsy treatment will vary between individuals but most will be prescribed corticosteroids to reduce the facial nerve inflammation of the facial nerves. Some patients may be prescribed antiviral drugs like acyclovir to speed up the recovery process.

What Is The Best Treatment For Bell’S Palsy?

Bell’s palsy improves without treatment. Still, your healthcare provider may recommend one or more of these therapies for symptom relief and a faster recovery:

Another effective Bell’s palsy treatment is eye care which is crucial in protecting the eyes from injuries and irritants. If your eye does not close completely, the use of glasses or goggles is beneficial.  An eye patch can be used at night. 

Decompression surgery to ease nerve pressure eases pressure but it is rarely done because it may cause permanent nerve damage and loss of hearing.

Another beneficial treatment for Bell’s Palsy is Physiotherapy.

A registered physiotherapist can assist with providing education and support during recovery in order to reduce secondary complications. 

  • Electrical muscle stimulation is used to stimulate the nerve fibers in order to help maintain some of the strength, which then promotes faster recovery,
  • Daily exercise regimen
  • Soft tissue massage can be applied to the head and face to help with aches and help stimulate repair of innervation for the facial muscles.

Recovery from Bell’s Palsy

In general, people whose paralysis is less severe tend to start to improve with or without treatment after a few weeks, with complete recovery of facial function within six months. If symptoms start to improve within the first 21 days, chances are there will be complete recovery with no residual facial muscle weakness.

At Physiotherapy Oakville, we understand the importance of early intervention and personalized care in facilitating recovery. Scientific studies have shown that timely physiotherapy can enhance the recovery process for facial paralysis, minimizing residual muscle weakness and improving overall outcomes. By joining Physiotherapy Oakville, you gain access to expert physiotherapists who provide evidence-based treatments tailored to your specific condition, supporting a faster and more complete recovery.

What are the complications Of Bell’s palsy?

Some of the complications of Bell’s palsy are:

  • Irregular regrowth of nerve fibers and irreversible damage to your facial nerve which can result in synkinesis.  Synkinesis is a condition in which moving one part of your face causes involuntary contraction of another.
  • Excessive eye dryness on your affected side, which can lead to eye infections or even vision loss.
  • Some people don’t fully recover and are left with long term facial paralysis and drooping.

Bell’s Palsy versus Stroke


The cause of Bell’s palsy is uncertain but some viruses like herpes zoster, herpes simplex, and mumps have been believed to be connected to Bell’s palsy.

Stroke is caused by high blood pressure, heart disease, high cholesterol, previous stroke.


Bell’s palsy does not require any specific testing. Your doctor may ask you to perform specific facial movements such as eyebrow raising, frowning, smiling, and eyes closing. At times, EMG or MRI may be conducted to rule out stroke.

Diagnosing strokes is dependent on several factors. Some imaging scans are used to assess the brain and its blood supply.


Treatment of Bell’s palsy are corticosteroids and antiviral medications, pain medications, and physiotherapy.

There is a more complex approach in treating stroke and its treatment is dependent on the type of stroke.

Click HERE to book an appointment with a physiotherapist at one of our eight locations.

24 Sep

What are orthotics?

Orthotics are custom made inserts that are worn inside your shoe to control abnormal foot function.
Orthotics solve a number of biomechanically related problems, for example, ankle and knee pain, pelvis, hip, spinal pain. This is achieved by preventing misalignment of the foot, which significantly alters the way in which the bones move within their joints.
Orthotics work for the feet the same way prescription glasses work for the eyes.

Who can benefit from orthotics?

Custom orthotics can be used for all ages and for a variety of activities and can be made to fit any type of shoe.

Where can I get the best custom orthotics?

The best custom orthotics can be purchased from a clinic where a chiropodist or qualified health professional conducts an assessment and a 3D scan of your feet to determine the best orthotics for you. The 3D Scan is then sent to a lab where the scan is used to manufacture your orthotics.
Triangle Physiotherapy has qualified health practitioners that can assess you and recommend the best custom orthotics for you.

How can Orthotics correct foot conditions?

The best custom orthotics can:

  • Help balance pressure placed on the feet by redistributing the weight appropriately
  • Help stabilize the heel
  • Support the arch of the feet
  • Provide cushioning to delicate and inflamed areas of the feet that arise from too much walking, jogging, running, etc.

What is a knee brace and how can it help me?

A knee brace can help support and stabilize an unstable knee due to injury or osteoarthritis. The best knee brace will offer the support you need in order to balance and evenly distribute your weight in order to have a more comfortable walk or run.

What conditions can a knee brace help with?

Whether it’s a knee sprain, arthritis, torn ACL, runner’s knee, knee instabilities or knee discomfort, the best knee braces help support and manage pain.

When should I start wearing a knee brace?

Once you start experiencing knee pain or discomfort or find that the knee is unstable while walking or running or after you have had knee surgery , book an appointment with one of our health practitioners who can assess you and recommend the best knee brace for you.

06 Jul

Should I go to a physiotherapist after a car accident?

If you met with a car accident and having problems related to the mobility of your body or if it causes obstacles to function properly and efficiently then you should definitely go for Physical Therapy.
Physical therapists are musculoskeletal experts and may help cure the underlying musculoskeletal injuries that may have occurred after meeting with a car accident. At Triangle Physiotherapy, our Physical Therapists will assure a one-to-one session where they will conduct an extensive whole-body analysis with a target of developing a customized treatment and detailed physical therapy programs which suit best to your condition and individual needs.

What can a physiotherapist do to help after a car accident?

The goal of physical therapy is to help you recover physically and strengthen damaged muscles and tissues.
A Few physical therapy exercise programs would include:

  • Manual therapy to mobilize joints, decrease scar tissue, reduce inflammation and enhance healing of tissue.
  • Custom exercises to address types of pain like neck and shoulder pain, back pain, spine dysfunction, or weakness.
  • Postural training to resolve pain in the neck, shoulders, and back.


The list of injuries if you meet with a car accident are as follows:

  • Whiplash
  • Headaches
  • Back Pain
  • Neck Pain
  • Shoulder Pain
  • Knee Pain

What are the common symptoms related to WHIPLASH?

Common symptoms related to whiplash include:

  • Stiffness to neck, arms, upper back, and the face.
  • Numbness into arms, neck, and upper back.
  • Headache, dizziness, nausea.
  • Feelings of general weakness.
  • Altered and disturbed sleeping habits and patterns.
  • Difficulty with concentration.

Is it important to get physiotherapy as soon as possible after a car accident?

Although you may feel the immediate onset of pain or symptoms of injury, these symptoms may bring forth pain and mobility problems over the long haul.
Suppose if you met with a car accident, one may wonder that why is it necessary to get treated with Physiotherapy after an accident? If you’re considering Physiotherapy after a car accident, there are many reasons that you may want to begin or continue with the treatment.
The doctor will recommend that you receive Physiotherapy and you will realize the benefit of rehabilitation after a car accident. You may realize on your own that you can benefit from rehabilitative treatment.

Here’s why you should start Physical Therapy after a car accident:

  1. Physical Therapy After a Car Accident Can Help You Recover Faster

Going through Physical Therapy after a car accident can help you speed up your recovery time. It can help the body recover its lost strength so that you can reduce the amount of time it takes to improve and fully recover from the injuries caused by car accidents. Time and again patients don’t realize how bad their car accident injuries are until they return to their day-to-day activities.
If you are looking for a physiotherapist to help you with your injuries, our rehabilitation facility is one of the best physiotherapy clinics:

  1. Physical Therapy Can Help You Recover Better and Prevent Long-term damage

In order to help you recover faster, Physical Therapy programs ensure a better outcome after taking good care and following Physical Therapy exercises. It can also help you or prevent the long-term effects of your injuries like chronic pain and migraines. Unfortunately, car crashes can cause nagging damage if the patient’s injuries are not addressed right away. If you begin physical therapy immediately after your car accident, it’s more expedient to live a pain-free life for years.

  1. Boosting Mental Health and Improving Quality of Life

Some issues can create a problem after years of being a victim of a car accident and this can seriously affect the quality of life of a person. Physical therapy relieves these issues before becoming a serious health concern for an individual.

  1. Avoiding Surgery

Every so often injuries caused by car accidents can even require surgery, most injuries or a type of wear and tear but a few injuries, if left rampant, can lead to surgery and costly hospital bills. It is always advised to immediately check-up with a professional for the treatment. This will help with any claims you may wish to make later on. Physical therapy treatment is a much more cost-effective solution to recovery.
There are multiple benefits of physiotherapy and that’s why people are opting for this line of treatment for recovery and overall well-being. 

Steps to take after a car accident and a few advantages of Physiotherapy:

  1. The Type of Injury

Car accident injuries can affect your recovery time and the time period that takes to complete your treatment. One of the most common car accident injuries is whiplash. A whiplash injury occurs when the force of the accident causes your head and neck to jerk violently forward and backward. This can cause the muscles and tendons in your neck to stretch outside their normal range of motion. Whiplash can also affect the spinal column in your neck and disc injuries can be serious. Depends on the intensity of the whiplash, it can take a few months to recover and get the accurate motion of the neck as it was before.

 2. The Severity of the Accident
It is more likely to sustain a moderate to severe injury in a more serious car accident, even the smallest of the injury. A more severe accident can cause consequential harm to your body even if you are taking all precautions of car safety like wearing the seatbelt and the airbag deploys. More serious injuries like a dislocated knee or a broken foot can impact your daily routines.
3.  Any Previous Injuries
A previous injury can leave behind scar tissue, that impacts how your body heals the new injury. Physiotherapy often takes longer if you have previous injuries, especially if they occur in the same area.
Few factors that effect are:

  • The severity of the injury
  • Location of the injury
  • Patient’s current state of health
  • Patient’s treatment goals
  • Rate of progress

How can Physiotherapy help if you’ve met with a car accident?

Physiotherapy helps reduce the pain and discomfort usually felt after a car accident injury. A lack of physical activity when recovering from an injury can actually cause stiffness, which can lead to more discomfort when trying to return to your daily activities, so you should always try to keep your body in motion.

15 Jun

We’ve all heard how good running can be for you. Running helps to lose weight, prevent disease, lower stress, strengthen joints, manage blood pressure… the list goes on and on. But there’s a suprising problem you may be experiencing if you’re a long distance runner. It’s called leaky gut. I know, it sounds gross, but if you’re a runner then it’s something to keep in mind. How do you know if you have a leaky gut? Read on to find out common symptoms and how to treat it.

What is leaky gut, anyway?

Leaky gut, also known as intestinal permeability, is a dysfunction in the lining of our intestine. Our intestinal walls are only one cell layer thick. Their job is to absorb nutrients and prevent bacteria from getting into our bloodstream. When the cells of the gut lining start to separate and let bacteria enter the bloodstream, we get what we call leaky gut. This can lead to all kinds of health issues, including:

  • allergies
  • asthma
  • autoimmune disease
  • eczema
  • psoriasis
  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • food sensitivities
  • irritable bowel syndrome
  • Crohn’s disease
  • ulcerative colitis
  • thyroid problems
  • acne
  • nutrient deficiencies
  • depression and other mood disorders

Also read, Physiotherapy Treatment in Mississuaga

How does running lead to leaky gut?

It’s actually not just running that can lead to leaky gut. Powerlifters and people who do cross-fit are at risk, too. Same goes for anyone who does vigorous strength training or heavy exercise. The gut lining becomes more permeable due to the amount of stress put on your body by these types of activity. High physical stress leads to higher metabolic demands. Endurance sports do appear to have the most profound effect on leaky gut though, which is why you might be more concerned if you’re a marathon runner, cyclist, or triathlete.
When you exercise, plant-derived carbohydrates are digested and fermented by the gut. This can create some harmful byproducts that play a role in creating leaks in your gut. Once you have a leaky gut, toxins are more easily able to cross from your intestines into your bloodstream.
Also read, Physiotherapy Treatment in Oakville
Endurance exercise can also increase our secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines. This means that more inflammation is happening in the gut, which can throw off the balance of good bacteria versus bad bacteria in the intestines.
If you know me, you know I don’t like talking about health issues without some scientific studies to back up what I’m saying. So let’s take a look at one. Researchers looked at LPS (lipopolysaccharide) levels in athletes. They chose to look at LPS because it is a toxin found in bacteria. They measured LPS from blood samples of 29 athletes before, immediately after, one hour after, two hours after, and 16 hours after a triathlon. What they found was that LPS in the blood increased immediately after the race. But guess what? LPS was even higher than that one hour later. This demonstrated that there was an increase in leaky gut both during and after intense exercise.

I think I might have a leaky gut… now what?

Don’t hang up your running shoes just yet, folks. There might be a solution to those leaks in your gut. Remember how I mentioned that the balance between good and bacteria in the gut can get thrown off? Well, one way to help restore that balance is by taking probiotics. Probiotics are known as the good, healthy bacteria that we want and need in our gut. There are many different strains of probiotics. The two that have been shown to be most helpful with leaky gut is called Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. These strains help cells of the intestinal wall to tighten up the gaps between them.
A study demonstrated that probiotic supplements reduced LPS levels in the blood. This led to less leaky gut as well as an increase in the amount of time it took to reach fatigue while exercising in hot temperatures. This means that probiotics could actually help to improve athlete performance, too!
If you are a runner and suspect you may have a leaky gut, don’t wait until deteriorating health issues come along. Act now by calling the clinic to book your appointment with Dr. Corina Kibsey, ND today.

26 May

Our knees support the weight of our bodies with each step we take. When we begin to experience knee pain, it can be very debilitating, especially if the pain is severe. Some common causes of knee pain are: joint strain or damage, patellar maltracking, obesity, poor foot biomechanics, and many others. In some cases, severe osteoarthritis (OA) can be the cause of the knee pain. While exercises are extremely beneficial in building muscular support and managing the effects of the OA, a knee brace can be a good intervention to provide support and delay any surgical intervention. It can help to reduce swelling and pressure on the joints and can shift weight away from the damaged and painful areas of the joint. This can significantly improve a person’s mobility by decreasing their pain.

What is Osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common joint condition. At its core, it is the deterioration of the cartilage which lines our joints and makes movement fluid and pain-free. While mild OA is a normal age-related change, severe OA involves a significant reduction in the amount of lubricating fluid (known as synovial fluid) within the joint. This can cause significant pain with movement, stiffness, and imbalance because of a more bone-on-bone type of feeling.
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Knee brace for Osteoarthritis

As mentioned above, a knee brace can be a good management option for dealing with the effects of OA. A good knee brace will offer the support you need in order to balance and evenly distribute your weight in order to have a more comfortable walk or run. Material used to make braces can be plastic, metal, or sometimes composite materials. In addition, synthetic rubber is used for positioning and padding. It’s made in way so that your skin can breathe while your knees are supported.
Also read, Best Physiotherapy Clinic in Oakville

Types of knee braces in osteoarthritis

There are three styles of braces: Basic, Compression and Unloader for three different levels of support.

  1. Basic braces are for those who suffer from mild pain that worsens with activity and motion. Most people wear them while exercising or walking/running for long periods of time.
  2. Compression sleeves/advanced braces provide support for moderate osteoarthritic pain. They are generally worn during exercise in order to keep the joints warm and hold the knees in proper alignment.
  3. Unloader braces are for severe osteoarthritis. They are worn when a person is suffering from severe pain due to their knee OA and will physically unload the joint, causing less pressure to go through it.

We at Triangle physiotherapy will assess you knee joints and develop a complete treatment plan for you. Our expert physiotherapists can help you choose the correct knee brace to manage your OA. Book your appointment now and feel some relief so you can get back to your normal life as soon as possible!
Visit Here:

17 May
Ankle anatomy can be explained as below.
The ankle joint, or talocrural joint, is a synovial joint (meaning lubricated joint) that mimics a hinge. It has a unique design that allows it to withstand 1.5 times a person’s body weight when walking and about 8 times a person’s body weight when running. The ankle is divided into 5 main sections, which are:
  1. Bones and joints
  2. Ligaments and tendons
  3. Muscles
  4. Nerves
  5. Blood vessels

Physiotherapist in Toronto

Ankle bones
The ankle joint consists three bones: The ankle bone (Talus), shin bone (Tibia), which holds the Talus at the lower end along with a parallel thinner bone (Fibula) and the heel bone (calcaneus). The talus has a socket-like structure which allows it to work like a one-directional hinge.
Aslo read, Physiotherapy Clinic in Etobicoke
Ligaments and Tendons
Ligaments and Tendons serve similar functions but in slightly different ways. While they are both referred to as “soft tissue” structures, ligaments attach bones to bones while tendons attach muscles to bones. Both of them are made of collagen fibers.
Muscles work by stretching and contracting, which allows us to walk, run and jump. Below are some of the most prominent muscles of the lower leg:

  • The peroneals (peroneus longus and peroneus brevis) are located on the outside edge of the ankle and are mainly responsible for bending the foot down and out.
  • The calf muscles (gastrocnemius and soleus) connect to the calcaneus by the Achilles tendon. When the calf muscles tighten, they bend the ankle down.
  • The tibialis posterior muscle supports the arch of the foot and helps turn the foot inward.
  • The tibialis anterior pulls the ankle upward.

Also read, Physiotherapy Clinic in Mississuaga
The nerves on the outer edge and front part of the ankle control muscle movement and provide sensation to the top and outside edge of the foot.
Blood Vessels
There are many arteries which supply blood to the ankle such as the dorsalis pedis, tibial artery, etc. Without adequate blood supply, the muscles of the ankle would not be able to function and would cause significant impairments.
We have 6 clinics located across the GTA: EtobicokeOakvilleMississaugaNorth York, and Toronto (King Street West and Yonge Street. If you are suffering from foot or ankle problems you may benefit from treatment. Don’t suffer any longer! Call or email us today and we will be happy to answer all of your questions.
You can book an appointment for Ankle Anatomy: Click here to book an appointment

12 Dec
 We’ve all noticed that we tend to slow down a little during the winter. The drop in temperatures and the occasional snowfall can make us feel like not getting out of bed. This is the time of the year for skiing, snowboarding, skating, and many holiday parties! However, it’s important to make sure that we are still thinking of safety during all of these activities (yes, even the holiday parties) in order to avoid any injuries.

Physiotherapy Mississauga

Some common winter sports injuries:
1)    Separated shoulders
2)    Knee Sprains
3)    Torn ligaments
4)    Pulled muscles
5)    Fractures
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Exercising alone isn’t enough to achieve good health if you’ve already had an injury. It’s important to address injuries before they worsen and become more difficult to manage. At Triangle Physiotherapy, we promote active treatment programs that emphasize exercise to encourage client participation & independence.

Overcoming winter aches and pains:

Sometimes, a change in the weather could cause dormant aches to become more apparent. Joint pain can occur anytime throughout the year, but in the cold and wet months of the winter, you may find it harder to cope with.
A visit to a physiotherapist can help to keep you moving forward in a pain-free manner.

  1. Avoid excess twisting and forward bending. Bend the knees and keep the back as straight as possible when you are lifting.
  2. Make sure that you are using proper techniques and good body mechanics to help you avoid shoulder and low back injuries can be avoided.
  3. Don’t let the cold weather put you off – bundle up and be careful in wet or icy conditions.
  4. Exercising regularly will help reduce pain within your joints and help prevent other health issues.
  5. Also, ensure that you don’t overdo exercise if you are new in the sphere. Make sure you warm up with a brisk walk or gentle jogging.

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When our body is cold, it restricts the amount of blood it sends to our extremities, like our hands and feet, so that it can focus on supplying vital organs (like the heart and lungs) with blood. This means that we lose less heat from blood circulating near the surface of the skin, and also means that the joints get less blood. This can cause delayed healing and an increased insensitivity to pain.

To answer all of your queries in detail, we, at Triangle Physiotherapy thoroughly assess you and create customized treatment programs that address each individual’s needs. There are many people who feel depressed during the winter months, which can increase their sensitivity to pain. Don’t let your passion for living a pain-free life take a back seat during the winter season!

Triangle Physiotherapy is coming up with a new health campaign called #JoinTheMovement. By participating in this movement, you will notice a significant difference in your overall health awareness and awareness of what a Physiotherapist can do for you.

So, what are you waiting for? For more information on our services, visit our pages on facebook, and instagram

17 Aug

Who is a Podiatrist? A podiatrist deals with the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of the lower limbs and feet. What is a Chiropodist? A chiropodist deals with the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of the lower limbs and feet. Sound familiar? That is because these two professions are one and the same!
While there may be differences in terms of scope of practice in other areas of the world, in Canada, both podiatrists and chiropodists are qualified to treat patients with arthritis, diabetes, lower limb sports injuries, and various other ailments of the feet. They have received specialized training which allows them to work with patients of all ages and to help the elderly stay mobile and independent. The only practical difference between the two professions, in terms of their scope of practice in Canada, is simply their title.
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Chiropodists can advise patients on how to look after their feet and what type of shoes or orthotics to wear. They can also treat, alleviate and benefit day-to-day foot conditions, such as:

  • Thickened, fungal, or ingrown toenails
  • Varicose veins
  • Athlete’s foot
  • Smelly feet
  • Dry and cracked heels
  • Flat feet
  • Bunions
  • Heel pain
  • Ageing feet
  • Blisters
  • Gout
  • Sports Injuries

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Chiropody Mississauga
Seek help from a Chiropodist for advice or treatment if you have:

  • Painful heels or arches
  • Thickened or discoloured toenails
  • Cracks, cuts, or hardened skin on your feet
  • Growths, such as warts
  • Scaling or peeling on the soles
  • Any other foot condition

Don’t bury your head in the sand and ignore small foot problems! These small “problems” can quickly transform into major issues that can affect the quality of your life. As they say, “Prevention is the best cure“. Patients who make regular check-up appointments can avoid many potential foot problems as Chiropodists are specialists at recognizing problems before they have occurred.

Don’t let your feet problems keep you from stepping into our clinic! Seek the help of our foot specialists at any of our locations in  Etobicoke, Oakville, North York, Mississauga & Toronto, and say goodbye to your foot dilemmas!

04 Aug

Are your worries all perched on a pillow? And we don’t mean figuratively, but literally, are your worries all about THE PILLOW? Well, you are not in as uncommon a dilemma as you may think. Physiotherapists frequently get queries about pillow-related problems.

Sleeping on the wrong pillow, or one that is too worn out, not only leads to headaches, backaches, and neck cramps but also prevents you from getting a good night’s sleep. Lack of proper sleep can lead to many serious health issues, like obesity, heart disease, diabetes, etc.

It is imperative that you choose the right pillow for yourself but the kind of pillow you should pick will depend on your own unique needs as well. A physiotherapist is the best person to tell you exactly what you need. However, here are a few things that you can keep in mind while making a choice –

  • Your usual sleeping position
  • The shape and size of your head, neck and back
  • Desired softness/firmness of the pillow
  • Any neck pain, or backache you may have
  • And your budget

Physiotherapy Downtown Toronto

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There are a plethora of pillows in the market – cotton, polyester, feather, down, memory foam etc. However, these don’t cater to specific support or pain needs. If you have been injured, or have a particular condition, you will need a pillow that caters best to not just your problem, but also the stage that you are in. There are three main stages –

  • Accommodation
  • Correction
  • Maintenance

For each of these three stages, you will need a specific kind of pillow.

Accommodation Stage:

Specialty pillows that are designed for the ‘Accommodation’ stage, are pillows that bring in comfort and ease by providing support and stabilizing the existing ailment or disorder. Such pillows are often called Displacement pillows and are often recommended by physiotherapists for short-term pain relief after an injury.

Correction Stage:

The next stage of an issue or injury is ‘Correction’. At this stage, a doctor or physiotherapist attempts to find a remedy for the cause of the problem, and thereby correct it. Pillows recommended in this stage are often designed to provide support, and sometimes to even change the sleeping position of the injured or ailing person. There are various ‘Supportive’ pillows to meet different support levels, firmness and neck lobe size needs of different patients. There are also specialized ‘Corrective’ pillows, which can reduce headaches, neck pain, joint pain, and whiplash discomfort and can even improve nerve function. A physiotherapist can tell you what is the ideal Supportive or Corrective pillow you need, based on your health and body needs.
 Also read, Physiotherapy Clinic Oakville

Maintenance Stage:

Pillows for the last stage, ‘Maintenance’, help to promote good health by returning and keeping the body in its natural alignment. At this stage maintaining the normal curvature of the neck and spine is of utmost importance. While the normal curvature of one person’s neck and spine may differ from another, there are some general guidelines that a physiotherapist can jot down to help you understand your needs better. Comfort and support are the most important of these.

There are also Aqua pillows, which perform all the 3 functions of a pillow:

  1. Accommodation: Since water is fluid, a person gets customized accommodation that happens in real time, as the individual changes their position on the pillow.
  1. Correction: The volume of water determines the firmness and density of the pillow, which means different amounts of water can be utilized to help correct the neck position of different people in different stages of healing.
  1. Maintenance: Since the volume of water remains constant until changed manually, it helps maintain the neck posture at all times while sleeping.

A lot of people buy a pillow, try it for a few nights, and then feel it isn’t right for them. Sometimes the pillows can be returned, but more often, people end up having a collection of pillows that they have hardly ever used. An Aqua pillow is a huge savior in this aspect, as it can be customized for each individual! The water levels can be modified to best suit the clinical condition, neck shape, and size, and preferred sleeping position of the buyer.

There are also specially designed Orthopaedic pillows for specific conditions like arthritis, fractures, and slip discs. A physiotherapist can enlighten you more about these.

Seek the help of our professionals at any of our locations in Etobicoke, Oakville, North York, Mississauga & Downtown Toronto, and say goodbye to your pillow problems!

24 May

Yoga has been gaining immense popularity lately, due to the short-term as well as long-term benefits that it provides. Practicing yoga provides a strong spiritual element that offers fitness and flexibility. People suffering from various health disorders can find solutions through yoga, and they may reap the extra benefits yoga provides through living a more stress-free lifestyle as well as with increased fitness.

Yoga for a healthy life

Yoga is an ancient system of health that promotes ‘union’ and connects the body, mind, breath and spirit as one unit, therefore enhancing and promoting an overall balanced lifestyle of health and well-being.
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Physiotherapy Oakville

If practiced regularly the benefits of yoga are numerous. Physically and mentally, yoga may result in:

  • Improvement in muscular strength
  • Endurance
  • Flexibility
  • Body awareness
  • Circulation
  • Digestion
  • Hormonal balance
  • Normalizing blood pressure
  • Weight loss
  • Pain relief
  • Alertness
  • Concentration
  • Improvement in sleep
  • And much, much more!

It is believed that we only have a limited number of breaths in each life. Hence,yoga is believed to stretch our lives out a bit longer by taking slow and deep breaths.

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Research has also suggested that yoga improves social and occupational functioning in schizophrenic patients.


Some styles of yoga emphasize breathing and meditation, with limited activity; some styles emphasize form and alignment through postures, some are about a serious workout and flow, & some are all about relaxation.

Not a competition:

Don’t try a posture that you are uncomfortable with; don’t let someone else push you into something that you don’t want to do; and don’t think that you have to compete with yourself or others to achieve a posture.

Yoga is not about competition or feeling the burn.  However, a little discomfort is to be expected.  There is a huge difference between pain and discomfort, and most people mistake one for the other, especially when they are new to yoga practice.

Consult A Physiotherapist
At Triangle Physiotherapy, we work with the help of your medical history and assess how yoga may help guide your health in the right direction. All you need to do is overlook your anxieties related to your health, and feel free to contact any of our five locations for an in-depth consultation.